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i just want to briefly mention that, within this chapter, there are mentions of sexual assault. adeline gets her ass grabbed at a party, and i thought it was only fair to place a warning, just to be safe. aside from that, enjoy!

"You look absolutely stunning, Addy

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"You look absolutely stunning, Addy."

"I know I do. I picked the dress."

Adeline stepped out of their bedroom in a red dress with black heels, and her hair was done up princess style, with a red bowtie with black spots in it. Roger, meanwhile, was dressed in a simple black button down and black trousers, and he had on the new white jacket Adeline had bought him for his birthday. He was also wearing his lucky necklace, another one of Adeline's gifts back when they were dating.

"God, I can't wait to get you out of that later on," he said, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"But I only just got into it, Rog. Maybe I'll want to keep it on all night," she whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I think I'll be able to provide a few reasons against that. I only hope they'll be compelling enough," he murmured, leaning down to press a kiss to her lips. She giggled softly before returning the kiss, and when he pulled back, Adeline laughed a bit harder.

"Hold on, Casanova, you've got my lipstick on your mouth. While it looks very good on you, it's also that cherry red one you got me. Needless to say, it's noticeable."

"Maybe I want it there. So everyone can see I'm yours."

Adeline shook her head and used the pad of her thumb to wipe off the red residue from his mouth, giggling as her husband kissed it when it passed over.

"There. Good as new. We'd better get going so we're not late," she said, taking his hand in hers.

"If you insist. Though I'd much rather stay home... I want you to promise me that you'll wear that dress again," he said as they walked out to the car Freddie had sent for them.

"I promise, cross my heart. But I won't tell you when."

"So evil."


When the pair arrived to Freddie's house, the place was already packed. Loud music played in every room, and it felt like forever until they met up with Brian and Deacy.

"There you are," Brian said as he pulled Adeline into a hug.

"Here we are. I thought we'd never find you," she said, chuckling softly before going to sit with Roger. As soon as they sat, they were both offered glasses of champagne, which Roger took and Adeline politely refused.

"You all right? You never turn down champagne," Roger said, leaning in a bit so she could hear him over the music.

"Just not thirsty, that's all. Maybe later," she said, resting her head on his shoulder. He pressed a kiss to her temple and sat back, making it less of a strain on her neck.

the scent of heat → r . taylor ( COMPLETED )Where stories live. Discover now