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"Oh, how quaint!"

Two cars pulled up to a large farmhouse, almost in the middle of nowhere. In the first car sat Paul, Freddie, and R.T., and in the second was Roger, Brian, John, and Adeline. The luggage was split between the two, and when the cars stopped, Adeline was quick to get out. Roger followed after her, his boots almost sinking into the mud right outside the car.

"Recording studio?" he asked as the others climbed out.

"Well, the idea was to get away from all distractions," Paul explained as he brought a few bags in.

"Oh, lighten up, Rog. It's cute!" Addy said, smiling up at him as she pulled his bag out along with hers.

"With very little privacy," he muttered, taking his bag from her before going inside.

"Right, I know it's not the Ritz. Not even close." Paul led them up the stairs once inside. "Roger, you're in here."

"Right." Roger huffed as he carried his bag into his room.

"Freddie, this is you. Biggest room. Brian, that's you."

"C'mon, Addy," Brian said, smiling down at her. She nodded and followed him into the bedroom, setting her bag down. She stretched her arms as Brian sat down on the edge of the bed, bouncing a little bit. He sighed and tilted his head, then glanced over at Addy.

"Well, it's only for a short while, right?" he asked, and she nodded.

"Mhm. We'll make do, you giant," she teased, and as he got up to go look outside, she stood by the doorway, looking to Roger's room. She waved a bit, and then glanced over her shoulder before blowing him a kiss, which he pretended to catch. He then motioned for her to come across the hall, but she shook her head.

'Later,' she mouthed, and he nodded in return.

"Addy? Wanna come unpack?" Brian called, and she turned back to him.

"We probably should, yeah. It won't take long, right? I'm starving."


That night, Adeline waited until she was sure Brian was fast asleep, curled up tightly under the blankets so as to give Adeline room, before she climbed out of bed. She pulled the covers over his body again, then kissed the tips of her fingers and pressed them to his forehead. She saw him smile before he rolled over, and she held back a chuckle. As quietly as possible, she opened the drawers where her clothes had gone, and she pulled out an outfit to bring with her to Roger's room. Then, with one last glance at Brian, she slipped out of their room and tiptoed across the hall, gently rapping her knuckles on his door.

"It's open," Roger said softly, and she slowly opened his door to keep it from creaking.

"Hey," she whispered, closing the door behind her.

"Hey, you," he said, sitting up against his pillows. Like so many nights before, he was only in his briefs, and he opened his arms for her.

"One minute," she hummed, then carefully set her clothes down so they didn't knock anything over. Once she'd finished, she smiled and made her way to the bed, crawling under the covers before settling herself into his arms.

"I thought tonight would never come," he whispered, reaching over to turn off the lamp.

"Me, too," she said, snuggling closer to him, letting her ear rest over his heart. She felt his hand stroke over her hair, and her eyes fluttered shut, a soft sigh leaving her lips.

"It's starting to beat for you, you know," he said quietly.

"What is?" Adeline murmured, beginning to doze off.

the scent of heat → r . taylor ( COMPLETED )Where stories live. Discover now