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Adeline sat at her desk as her students quietly worked on their reading assignment. It was the end of the day, which meant going home and grading papers until Roger called her from wherever he was, if he had the time. Which he didn't have recently. He hadn't called her in nearly a week, and she was trying to not let tabloid stories get to her.

"Mrs. Taylor?" One of the children walked up to her desk, their worksheet in hand.

"Yes, Allie?" she asked, looking up from her papers.

"I'm finished," she said, holding out the sheet. Adeline took with with a smile, and she set it down carefully on a clean spot on her desk.

"Good job, Allie. You can go work on something else quietly at your seat, okay?" The young girl nodded, and as she hurried to her seat, more children came up, finished worksheets in hand. Adeline took each one with a smile, making a neat pile next to her take home binder so she would remember to bring them home to grade over the weekend.

"Is everyone finished?" she asked, tapping the edges of the papers on her desk to straighten them.

"Yes, Mrs. Taylor!" the children said together.

"All right, good job! Looks like we've got some free time before the last bell, so what do we want to do?" She smiled as one eager hand shot into the air.

"Could you tell us the story about Mr. Taylor locking himself in the cupboard again?"

A chorus of 'please!' filled the room, and with a laugh, Adeline got up from her desk, walked to the front of the room, sat on her stool, and crossed her legs.

"Well, it all started when he wrote a love song to his car."

As the bell rang at the end of the day, and each child left the room, Adeline couldn't help but smile after them. She was planning on bringing up the topic of children with Roger when he got home from the tour, which she hoped was soon. Slowly, she got to her feet and began to tidy up her room, tucking books back onto the shelves and placing markers back into their color coded baskets. Her classroom was the only place she was ever neat, which she knew drove Roger nuts. But at the same time, her classroom was her own. No one shared it with her, and it was hers to decorate as she pleased. Once she finally had her pages gathered and tucked into her binder, she set it into her bag and walked to the door, shutting the lights off while grabbing her keys to lock the classroom door. Humming, she left the building and began her walk home, stopping at a corner store to pick up something to drink. Once she made it back home, and she let her hand rest on the doorknob, she found that the door was... already unlocked.

"What the hell?" she muttered, slowly turning the knob and heading inside. She glanced around the front room, her heart starting to pound as she gently shut the door behind her. Setting her bag and drink down, she crept into the kitchen, looking around for any signs of a break in.

"Maybe I just forgot to lock the door?" she asked herself, seeing that nothing was missing from either the kitchen or the living room. "I did it just the other day, too." With a shrug of her shoulders, her body relaxed, and she kicked off her heels, breathing a sigh of relief. She turned around and went back to the main hall, grabbing her bag and her drink along the way. She climbed up the stairs, biting back a whimper as her sore feet hit each step, then headed into her bedroom, setting her bag back down on her side of the room.

"Time for a nap," she muttered, setting her drink on her dresser before stretching her arms above her head.

"I don't get a kiss first?"

Adeline whipped around and let out a squeak. Roger was in the bedroom doorway, his arms open for her.

"Rog!" she laughed, almost jumping into his arms and clinging to him.

"Addy!" He grinned as he wrapped his arms around her, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

"Oh my god, I missed you so much," she murmured into his chest, closing her eyes as he rubbed her back.

"I missed you more, lovebug," he whispered, tilting her head up. "I'm sorry I haven't called recently. I wanted to surprise you."

"It's all right, I promise. I was just getting worried something had happened to you four," she said softly, leaning into his touch. She felt his chest vibrate with laughter, and she couldn't help but laugh with him.

"We're not that destructive, you know," he said, brushing his thumb along her cheek. She leaned into his touch with a happy sigh, letting her eyes flutter shut as she relaxed.

"Wanna join me for a nap?" she asked.

"I'm always down for a nap with my favorite girl," he said as he scooped her into his arms, brought her to their bed, and flopped down, holding her close to his chest. He reached with one hand for the sheets, pulling them over their bodies as he let her get comfortable beside him. She nuzzled his chest gently, then draped one of her legs over both of his, snuggling into his embrace.

"I could stay like this forever," she murmured, resting one hand on his chest.

"So could I," he agreed, then reached over to turn out the bedside light, smiling to himself as he held his wife close to his chest once again.

	"So could I," he agreed, then reached over to turn out the bedside light, smiling to himself as he held his wife close to his chest once again

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this is undoubtedly short, and i apologize for that, but i've sort of lacked the motivation for writing these days. my final days as a senior are coming up, which means finals, then graduation, then college stuff. and i've been working lately, so that takes up my time. i hope to have longer chapters coming to you soon, but for now, i hope this fluff helps make up for the unexpected hiatus.

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