▹ 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘨

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The door bell made its rare 'ding!' sound, making Minho look up from fixing the shelf underneath the checkout counter.

"Welco- Jisung?" Minho scrunched his eyes in disbelief as he watched Jisung, his, I guess you could say friend though it should be more like acquaintance, walk toward the farthest bookshelf in the store.

Even though Minho was ignored, that didn't stop him from continuing his job making the bottom counter shelf as aesthetically pleasing as it could be. He knew it wouldn't last a day, but he thought he might as well kill time by doing so.


It had been around fifteen minutes since Jisung walked in, and Minho hasn't heard movement from anywhere around the store. Minho assumed that he was reading, though at first glance, Jisung didn't seem like the type to enjoy reading.

Another fifteen minutes went by and still no movement was heard. Normally, a person would've moved to a new place, or they would've went to find a new book. Finding it only slightly suspicious, Minho left from behind the counter and walked in the direction Jisung did when he walked in.

Upon turning the corner, Minho found the light orange haired boy sleeping peacefully in one of the chairs, a book still open on his chest. Minho chuckled as he, as silently as he could with the creaky wooden floors, walked toward Jisung to pick up the book and put it away.

As he went to find the proper place for the book, he glanced at the clock and realized he only had around ten minutes before he had to close down the store. He had put the book away, now the only thing left to do was wake up Jisung and get him home. He looked toward the window and noticed that it was already getting dark, so he figured he might as well let Jisung stay at his place, since he lived right around the corner.

Not caring if he made any noise this time, Minho walked toward Jisung and shook his shoulder. By now he was crouched down beside the armrest of the chair, shaking the hell out of Jisung's arm, not receiving any type of response.

"Oh good lord-Han Jisung, wake up!" Minho yelled, sighing deeply as he watched the younger bolt up from the chair and immediately stand up.

"M-Minho hyung, I-I'm sorry! I didn't think I'd fall asleep and I'm also a very heavy sleeper," Jisung started quickly, bowing as he apologized. "I'm sorry, again."

Minho chuckled lightly, "It's fine, I promise. Now my shift ended ten minutes ago, as I spend five of that trying to wake you up, and I figured you live far away from here," Minho started, himself losing confidence the more he spoke, but he still managed to form his sentence. "So I was wondering if you'd like to stay at my place for just the night, as it's already pretty dark out there."

Jisung peered over Minho's shoulder and quickly nodded. Minho also nodded, before walking back to the counter and grabbing his stuff. He began to change the lighting to dim and walked toward the door, motioning Jisung to follow him.

"Come on, let's go."


The duo walked in silence, the chilly, evening air making Jisung shiver beside Minho.

"Are you cold?" Minho glanced beside him as Jisung shook his head, insisting he wasn't cold.

Ignoring the younger, Minho took off his jacket and scarf and stopped Jisung. He placed the jacket on the younger and wrapped the scarf around his neck. Minho looked into the eyes of Jisung before smiling.

"Here, I'll keep your hand warm too." Minho spoke, grabbing Jisung's hand and intertwining it with his own. With that the two of them began walking again, Jisung unsure how to feel.


Minho had let go of Jisung's hand and unlocked his apartment door, walking in with Jisung following suit. Minho told Jisung to make himself at home, as he was going to make ramen for the two of them. As he cooked, he heard shuffling on the couch in his living room, as well as the TV being turned on.

The food was ready and Jisung had made himself into a burrito with a blanket that Minho's mother gifted to him before he moved out. With Jisung being like that, it resulted in Minho having to feed Jisung his food.

"I can't believe I'm feeding someone food because they took 'make yourself at home' a little too seriously." Minho scoffed, earning a light kick to the behind by Jisung.

"It's not my fault I'm comfortable, for once." Jisung had whispered the last part, hoping Minho didn't hear it, which he did, but decided to not question it. He's respecting the younger's boundaries.

When he and Jisung finished eating, Minho plopped himself comfortably beside Jisung, who was currently laying on his back on the couch. Getting rather uncomfortable, Jisung scooted himself up so he could place his head on Minho's lap.

Unconsciously, Minho began playing with strands of Jisung's hair, listening to the deep inhales and exhales of the younger, who was slowly beginning to fall asleep. Finally, Minho felt Jisung's body relax, signalling to Minho that Jisung had fallen asleep. So, Minho turned off the TV, and made himself comfortable, before falling asleep himself.

𝒮𝗸𝘇 𝒮𝗵𝗶𝗽𝘀. scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now