▹ 𝘴𝘦𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘪𝘯

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SEUNGINbased off of blackbear's NYLA

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based off of blackbear's NYLA


they were in a long distance relationship, seungmin and jeongin. they have been for a couple months, and jeongin was already feeling what you would feel when you are seeming to drift away. jeongin can't pull himself to say he wants to leave seungmin because he can't bear to see the look that would appear through the screen if he said anything.

so he let his heart burn, and he let himself hurt. he knew that seungmin tried his best to get time off and call the younger, he really did. seungmin would work shift after shift, just trying to earn the money to buy a plane ticket to south korea so he could finally hold jeongin in his arms. he wanted so badly to just whisper sweet nothings into the younger's ears as he hugged him tight and kissed his forehead and cheek.

seungmin wanted to tell jeongin how much he means to him, and how much he loves him. because he knows that saying it virtually is one thing, but hearing the same thing face to face makes it seem much more meaningful.

jeongin was laying in his bedroom, his cheeks tear-stained when he got a call from seungmin. he opened his phone and accepted the call, covering his face so the older wouldn't see that he'd been crying.

"innie! i miss you so much, how are you?"

"i miss you too, minnie, and I'm not the best right now."

"I... it's because of me, isn't it?"

"no... yeah it is. I know you love me and I know you want to finally meet me but I don't know how much longer I can last, seungmin."

"jeongin, I know you're hurt, and that I'm to blame but I swear I'll make it work and I'll make you stay. soon enough I'll be one plane ride away from la to south korea."

"can you promise me that? like be absolutely sure?"

"yes, innie. I promise. pinky promise."

"okay min... I believe you."

"show me your face love, I need my daily dose of vitamin innie."

"seungmin! stop being so smooth... but okay."

the two talked back and forth for what seemed like hours upon hours, and slowly jeongin began to believe that seungmin really was going to be there at some point soon. he began to feel better, even though his heart still stung deep down.

he pushed away the feeling and said his goodbyes to his boyfriend, before ending the call with a tender smile on his face. the smile slowly faded away when the younger began to doubt himself and seungmin. he began to think that seungmin is lying and that he doesn't really want to meet him. he began to think that he isn't good enough for seungmin, and that the older will leave him for someone who lives in la and is able to be with him twenty-four-seven.

his doubts deteriorated when seungmin texted him goodnight, since it was late night for jeongin. the younger smiled, before plugging in his phone, turning his body, and closed his eyes. the night seemed to have passed by fast, because when he woke up it was already the next day, seven in the morning.

he texted a goodnight to seungmin, who read it and responded with a good morning back before wishing the younger a good day in school, before shutting off his phone and falling asleep like jeongin had prior.

jeongin got himself ready for school, and by the time he left his house, he was hurting once again. he felt his heart ping with pain. he wondered if the pain would ever go away, which he was sure it wouldn't. he missed seungmin so much that it hurt, and the two haven't even met personally yet.

the day went by slowly, jeongin talking with his friends, them wishing him well his his boyfriend, and them just talking about things that are random. in his last class, jeongin felt his phone buzz a couple times in his pant pocket. wanting it to be seungmin, he opened it and smiled softly when it was who he wished it was.


minnie ♡♡
i know you're in class but
guess who just landed himself
a ticket to sk?
seen 2:43

minnie ♡♡
[image attached]
seen 2:43

minnie ♡♡
this boy! and guess who'll be
leaving tomorrow to see you?
seen 2:45pm

minnie ♡♡
also me! I cant wait to finally hold
you in my arms, innie ❤
seen 2:47pm

minnie oh my god, I can't believe
you're actually coming I'm trying
not to cry in class ;-;
seen 2:51pm

I cant wait to be held
by you minnie ♡♡
seen 2:52pm

minnie ♡♡
love you, innie, now focus even
though school is over soon.


jeongin's mood was lifted almost immediately and he felt like he was on cloud nine. he'll finally be able to see the boy he's fallen hopelessly in love with over the past few months. he'll finally be able to hear the older whisper sweet nothings into his ear, and feel his lips on either his temple or his own lips. jeongin will finally be able to feel the warmth of the older. he couldnt be more excited for a saturday.

he held in his tears for the last few minutes of school before the bell rang. jeongin bolted to his locker and grabbed his stuff before sprinting back to his house and locking himself in his room. he opened his phone and marked his calendar that on saturday his boyfriend would really be here.

the young male was restless the entire night. he couldn't think straight and he was still unable to process that seungmin soon would be right next to him, holding him in his arms and whispering loving and sweet words into his ear.

so when he awoke the next morning to a knock at his door he sprinted out of his bed and tears were already down his face by the time he opened the door and flung himself into seungmin's arms.

"seungmin... I missed you so much." jeongin sobbed hard into seungmin's shoulder, to which the older reciprocated quickly and without hesitation.

"I could say the same, love." seungmin used the pet name that always sent shivers down jeongin's spine but he loved it regardless.

jeongin finally pulled away and seungmin wiped the tears off of the younger's face before jeongin did the same to seungmin. jeongin helped his boyfriend bring his things in, and once all the suitcases were in the spare room (they'll sleep in the same bed, just jeongin didnt have enough room for all of seungmin's clothes), they cuddled on the couch, watching some random shows before jeongin spoke up.

"I don't want you to leave."

seungmin smiled to himself, placing a soft kiss on his boyfriend's forehead, "guess what?"


"I'm not, I'm staying here for good, innie."

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