▹ 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘹

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When Felix had opened his eyes that morning and saw snow on the ground, his eyes lit up and he immediately grabbed a sweater and rushed outside. Snow was still falling as he ran out his front door, and he smiled as he finally got to feel what it was like to see and feel snow.

"Wow, I must've really needed winter." Felix trailed off as he spoke in his native tongue, his accent thick like it usually was. In the distance, Felix heard children laughing in glee. Just that faint laughter from children brought back memories that made the tall boy smile.

He walked around, hearing the snow crunch under his footsteps around his front lawn. Though Felix's favourite season was autumn, he still liked winter. It was mostly because of the snow, even if the downfall of it was light and sometimes barely piled up. Today was a lucky day, where the snow was thick enough to be able to pile up.

Stretching his thin sweater sleeves over his hands, Felix picked up a handful of snow and attempted to make a snowball. It was unsuccessful, but he still smiled, because after all, he rarely got to see large piles of snow ever since he moved to Korea.

Thinking about his move to Korea also made him stop his actions. If he had never moved, he would have never met the love of his life, Seo Changbin. Their meet was cliché, as Felix had run into him when the older had got his coffee fresh from the coffee shop. Felix chuckled as he reminisced the moment, how he had apologized for hours to the older after the incident.

Feeling his arms, legs, and hands begin to feel numb, Felix stopped his train of thought and went back inside. He took off his shoes and sweater, before quickly getting some food and grabbing his fluffy blanket from his bedroom. Felix had wrapped himself like a burrito in his blanket as he turned on his TV and ate his food. He ultimately decided to have a lazy day, and ended up falling asleep on the couch.


Felix had woken up the next morning feeling horrible. His throat was sore, and he slowly gained a dry cough the more the morning passed. When the clock striked the afternoon, someone knocked on his door.

Still wrapped like a burrito on the couch, Felix strained a small 'come in' to whoever was outside his door. When he watched the front door open to reveal his boyfriend, Changbin, Felix cursed himself for getting sick when they had planned on a date.

"Lix?" Changbin scanned the room before seeing his significant other lying on the couch. "Oh my god, Lix are you okay?"

Felix unwrapped himself, muttering an 'I'm fine' as he walked up to Changbin. The older watched as Felix struggled to keep himself upright as he stood in front of him.

"I'm gonna go get ready for our date." Felix spoke before attempting to turn around and walk upstairs to his bedroom, however Changbin pulled the younger back and felt his forehead, which was hot like a furnace.

"We are not going anywhere, Lix, you're burning up." Changbin spoke softly, hearing a small whine come from the younger as he led him back to the couch to rest.

"Binnie, I'll be fine." Felix attempted to win him over, but to no avail as the older simply shook his head.

"I'm not risking the chance of you passing out, Lix."


"No buts, I'll be making you some soup that my grandmother used to make me when I was sick, alright?"

Felix nodded, giving up his fight of going on the date they promised on.

"And don't feel guilty because we're not going on that date," Changbin called out from the kitchen, startling Felix. "Your health is more important than a date."


"Binnie?" Felix called out as he woke up from his light nap.

"Yes, sweetheart?"

"When I finish eating, can you cuddle with me?"

"I'll think about it," Changbin started as he slowly walked into the living room with the bowl of soup in his hand. "But for now, eat."

The younger nodded, before taking small spoonfuls of soup and swallowing it. The second he did the small action, his throat felt less scratchy and rough. And the more he ate, the better his throat felt.

"Changbin, what is this? It's like magic!" Felix exclaimed as he set down the bowl on the end table.

"Secret recipe." Changbin winked, happy that his grandmother's soup worked for the younger. He chuckled as he watched the pout form on Felix's face.

"If you stop pouting, I'll cuddle with you." Changbin smirked, watching the younger change his facial expression to one of happiness. Felix opened his arms and Changbin accepted the invitation and they proceeded to make themselves comfortable on the couch.

"If I get sick, I blame you." Changbin mumbled into the crook of Felix's neck, to which the younger chuckled, "You could never stay mad at me."

Changbin smirked, "Oh yeah? Wanna try me?"

The older attempted to leave Felix's grasp, but when he heard light sniffs coming from the freckled boy under him he immediately stopped.

"Lix, why are you crying?" Changbin pulled away and wiped the tears off of the cheeks of the younger.

"Please don't leave me, even if you were joking, please don't leave me," Felix spoke, his cheeks lightly red as he coughed lightly. "I can't lose any more people, especially you since you brought sunshine back into my life."

Changbin looked at the younger with lovestruck eyes. He could never leave the boy he was laying on top of. He would never dream of leaving him, he meant too much to the older. Even if Felix struggles with the Korean language, which the older doesn't blame the younger considering he moved from Australia, he still wouldn't leave him. Changbin doesn't think he'd be able to handle the feelings that would linger if he left the side of the freckled boy underneath him.

"I could never leave you, Felix. Please stop crying." Changbin whispered to the younger as he pressed his lips lightly to Felix's forehead before resting his head on the Australian's chest.

"I wouldn't let you leave me anyway." Felix secured his arms around Changbin as their legs became entangled. Changbin chuckled.

He and Felix both fell asleep, and to say that Changbin may or may not have gotten sick is up for grabs.

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