Chapter 5: New rules

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As soon as Dusk noticed Leo and Ace, she changed the subject
"So what exactly did you say to Leo. He seemed pretty upset. I need to know how you did it," Dusk said with a vicious smile on her face.
"I just told him the truth. That he is a pathetic weakling and he went all sad and whiney which only confirms it if you ask me," Poochyena said.
"Then I have heard enough," Ace said stepping out of cover
Poocheyna whipped around his head in shock when he heard Ace's voice. Then he noticed Leo standing back a little.
"You went snitching on me?  Man, I knew you were a baby, but this tops everything," Poochyena said angrily
"Actually that would be me," Dusk said. Poochyena looked around in confusion
"What are you talking about?" he said
"I am the one who told Leo to go get my dad. So If anybody is a baby, then that would be me. Now let's go, Leo, I've had enough of him,"
Dusk and Leo left leaving a confused Poochyena and an angry Ace.

Back at their campsite, Leo  turned to Dusk
"I don't think your a baby for getting a grown-up to handle the situation. I think we would have gotten in much more trouble if we had tried to deal with it ourselves." Leo mumbled
"I know. I was just saying that to protect you. I don't think he would have ever let it slide if I didn't say that it was me. He might not even let it slip now. But at least his ager is towards me and not towards you," Dusk said
"That is really nice of you. But you shouldn't have done it. He will surely tell everyone. I don't know how they'll react," Leo told Dusk
"Who cares how they'll react, It makes no difference. For now, let's get back to the task at hand. Do you need help finishing the beds?" Dusk said. 
"If you want, yes," Leo said
"I'd be happy to," Dusk responded. Together they finished the beds. After that, they collected wood for a campfire. When they were finished, it was still a few hours until dinner time. Dusk and Leo were just relaxing for a bit when the bushes that grew to the edge of their campsite shook violently. Both Dusk and Leo turned their heads towards the sound. A Shinx emerged from them.
"Hello, can we help you?" Leo asked shyly
"Hey guys," Shinx said with a troubled look on his face.
"What's wrong?" Dusk asked
"Ace just came up to me and told me what my partner did, I want to apologize for his behavior," Shinx said
"You don't have to apologize for that. It wasn't your fault,"  Leo mumbled
"Yes, it was. I am the leader of my team I need to watch the behavior of my members. I should have stopped him from going when I had the chance," Shinx said his head hanging low.
"Let's just forget about it, okay, It has been dealt with now. So there is no need to keep being hung up over it," Dusk said
"Yeah, that seems for the best. I need to go back to my camp anyway. See you around," Shinx said. Then he turned around and left.
After dinner, Leo and Dusk went to bed, the next morning they had breakfast. After that, somebody from the society came picking them up from their campsite.

"Congratulations everyone on successfully completing the first assignment. Before we move on, I have some announcements to make.
Firstly I want to address something that happened yesterday. I won't go into detail. Those who were involved know what I am talking about when I say that someone misbehaved. As such, I deem it necessary to impose a new rule that will gon into effect immediately. If someone breaks the rules or misbehaves in any other way not only they but their entire team will be punished for it," Ace said. This announcement was met with some complaints, but for the most part, everybody agreed that it was only fair. After all, you were supposed to look after your teammates at all times.
"Secondly I have some happier news. Our sea scouts have discovered a new land. This previously undiscovered area needs to be explored. Therefore we have decided to host a little competition to see which team will get the honor to get to explore this new land. For the rest of the week, all your assignments will be graded based on how well your team performs. The team that has the most point by the end of the week will be the ones that get to set out and be the first to explore this new area. You've actually already got your first points in by completing the first assignments. And on that note, I want to wish all of you the best of luck and may the best team win,"  after having said that Ace left the room. Excitement filled the room. Everybody seemed determined to win.   

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