Chapter 20: The finale

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The next three hours went by painfully slow. Dusk grew more and more nervous. She did have a plan, but she couldn't help but worry about what would happen if it went wrong.
By the time the duel was about to begin Dusk was nearly panicking. Nevertheless, she forced herself to stay calm and focus on the task at hand.
Everybody entered the village where all the villagers were already gathering to spectate the match.
Absol was standing on one side of a circular arena
"So you really decided to show up, Let's get this over with," he said.
Dusk took a deep breath before stepping in the other side of the arena.
"Are you ready?" Absol asked semi-politely.
Dusk nodded.
And then the duel started

Both of them circled around each other waiting for the other to attack first. Eventually, it was Dusk who made the first move; she made a sham attack trying to get Absol to lose his balance, sadly it didn't work, Absol saw it coming and took advantage of the situation to hit Dusk in the side. Dusk grunted as the blow contained more force than she had estimated therefore she had also had to struggle to keep her own balance. Absol noticed this and tried to attack again. Dusk barley managed to dodge it. Absol skidded dangerously close to the edge of the arena but managed to stop himself from leaving the field entirely which would mean he lost. He quickly got away from that border and attacked Dusk again. He was faster then Dusk, and so he hit her again.
Dusk squealed in pain.
"Give up already, you're never going to win this,"  Absol said
"Never," Dusk groaned.
Dusk charged at Absol and managed to hit him, but he seemed unfazed by it and quickly countered knocking Dusk to the ground and close to the edge.
Absol placed his paw on her side to prevent her from getting up
"Looks like I win. All it takes is one little shove and your out,"
"I would not be so sure," Dusk said, kicking Absol's legs away from underneath him. And getting up in the same motion. Now the roles were reversed. Dusk wanted no time, however, and immediately shoved Absol out of the arena.

It took some time before anybody including Dusk herself realized that the match had just ended. Dusk couldn't believe that her plan had worked that easily. Then Leo came charging at her
"You did it, you won!" He said pulling her into a hug
Then Absol got to his feet.
"No way, I won't accept this. Guards seize her," he said
The guards did not move
"Did you not hear me. I said seize that girl," Absol snarled.
"I don't think you get it. You are no longer their boss, I am." Dusk said
Absol shot Dusk an angry look.
"And now guards, please seize him instead," Dusk said
At her words, all the guards all acted as one and seized Absol,
"Throw him in prison and make sure he does not escape, I want a minimum of three guards watching him at all times," Dusk ordered.
The guards took him away, and the whole village erupted in cheers.
Everybody was glad they no longer had to follow Absol, and so a feast was organized. The festivities lasted until well past midnight before everybody went to bed.

The following morning Dusk woke up next to Leo.
"Good morning Dusk, I can't believe this is already our last day here, Tomorow morning we head home again," Leo said
It was true. In the morning of the next day, Wailord would return to pick them up.
"We haven't gotten to see much; I suppose we have to come back later," Dusk said
"It's going to be hard to say goodbye to everyone, And what's going to happen to this village now that you are their leader. I mean you can't stay here so who is going to lead them?" Leo asked
"I was thinking of giving Aron command, he seems more than capable," Dusk answered
"That's a good idea," Leo replied
"We should probably get going, We have to say goodbye to Caroline and Alex and then we should get back to the beach," Dusk said
After the duel, Dusk and Leo had asked the villagers if they had a map, which they did, and they figured out where the beach where they were supposed to be was located at. Luckily it wasn't too far away so they would make it in time.
"I wonder what those two are going to do once we are gone," Leo said as he got to his feet.
"Me too. We should probably ask them," Dusk said
"Yeah let's go."

"We want to come with you and join the society, if that is okay with you two," Alex said
"But what about your mom Alex?" Dusk asked surprised. She had not seen this coming.
"I have spoken to her already, and she is okay with it," Caroline said
"Well then we are glad to have you along," Leo chirped
After that, they said goodbye to Aron, who was happy to lead the village in Dusk's place.
And then they set off to the beach where Dusk and Leo had arrived on.
It was late at night by the time they made it, and so they went straight to sleep.
The following morning they got onto Wailord's and set off on the long journey home.

Seven long days later home came into sight. And by the looks of it, a small crowd was waiting for them.
Once they made it to shore Dusk flung herself into her father's arms.
"Welcome home sweetie; I am glad you returned safely. But you have to tell me exactly what happened.
They had already contacted Ace on their journey home using Caroline's aura abilities. They let Ace know that they were all safe and were on their way home. They also told him that Caroline and Alex were coming with them, to which he agreed happily.
Then Dusk's eyes fell upon her mother, or rather something small behind her mother's legs.
A little Riolu's head was poking from behind them looking at her.
Dusk looked back at her father questingly.
"I told you I had a little surprise waiting for you at home, didn't I? Dusk that is Jason you're little brother," Ace said putting his daughter back down. Dusk walked over to her mom and little brother
"Is that my big sis," Jason asked Shadow
"Yes honey this is Dusk," Shadow said to her son stepping to the side so that Jason could walk up to his big sister.
Dusk's heart melted when she saw him up close.
"Hi Jason," she said, "I bet we are going to have a lot of fun together."

--The end--

And that concludes this story
I hope you all liked it.
If you did then consider leaving a vote.
It has been amazing to write this for all of you, and now it's done.
Don't think that this is the end of me as a writer.
I will continue making stories for all of you to read, so get ready for that.
That is all for now.
So on that note

This is Riolu signing off.

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