Heaven's plan

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Y/N's pov

I left the warehouse to see the sphere had grown further than my eyes could see, everything was either forced to the ground or was flung high into the air.

Walking through the air i saw that there was conundrum all over, a helicpoter tried to get close to observe the phenomenon but as soon as they touched the sphere they were crushed to the ground.

Arrow: Heaven shall soon arrive

My arm moved on it's own and pressed the mark again, i pierced my chest as a light shined around me, i continued to.grow brighter as harsh winds picked up around me.

Soon enough a tornado had formed around me, replacing the sphere which allowed people to move again.

3rd person pov

The sphere had disappeared allowing Rias and her peerage to get up, they ran outside to follow Y/N.

Their eyes widened in shock when they saw the devastation that had struck Kuoh, a storm had come along and a tornado had appeared.

A blinding light broke through the winds and soon blasted the tornado apart. There stood Y/N but he looked much different, he had long white over coat that had twelve clocks on him.

They each showed a different hour, he had  a group of big feathers near his neck and a crown of thorns.

He was riding a horse that was pure white and had a clock on it's head and each of it's kneecaps that were spinning.

It had gold tubing around it and a light that seemed to eminate from it. A handful of portals appeared near Rias amd her peerage revealing a man wearing armour who looked like Rias.

A man in a burgundy blazer with black hair and a blonde part at the front. There was a man next to him who had white hair and blue eyes.

Rias: Brother?!

Sirzechs: Not now Rias, i need to know what's going on!

Azazel: I'll tell you what's going on, he had the arrow

Vali: You've got to be kidding me

Akeno: What really is the arrow?!

Azazel: It was made from God's corpse

Rias' peerage gasped before looking at Azazel with doubt. Azazel looked to Vali before nodding.

Vali equiped his balance breaker as a voice called out "white dragon emperor, balance breaker" he flew up to Y/N and went to punch him but Y/N appeared behind him.

Vali went for a back kick but Y/N appeared infront of Vali before the horse headbutted Vali sending him crashing to the ground.

The clouds began to move at a faster rate and the sun started to set, the moon to rised before it lowered and the sun began to rise.

Me: The time for heaven, it has finally arrived...

Issei: What's happening to the sky!?

Sirzechs: The end of everything...

Rias: What can we do to stop it?!

Azazel: Nothing-

Vali: Like hell i can't!

Vali burst through the air and charged at Y/N but he swiftly dodged to the side before Vali flew into the sky.

Y/N speed blitzed Vali by appearing right infront of him and kicked his side with the horse, he appeared next to Vali and knocked him towards the ground.

Y/N stood above him on his horse as Vali tried to get up but fell back to the ground and his armour broke.

Y/N's Pov

Me: Worry not, you shall be reborn

I climbed off the horse before slamming my hand down onto his next, severing his head. Looking over to the others i climbed back onto the horse.

We raised into the air as the acceleration of time grew faster, i held my hand in the air as a bright light shined in my hand.

Me: Witness the power, of Made In Heaven!

A bright, swirling blue lighy appeared in the sky, blocking out the sky.

Me: Yes! This is it! The singularity point!

I could feel it, i could see it, not omly was the earth speeding up along with all non organic life, but the entire universe was!

Was this my purpose? To bring about the end- No! It's not the end but a new beginning, a way for reality to restart!

I looked down to them to see Rias and her friends panicking while the two men have their heads hung.

The sun began to flare up, heating up the planet. I was raised closer into tue singularity point, a large smile spread across my face as i entered it while the world began shaking.

A bright light filled my vision making me cover my eyes, i moved them to see a empty void of white nothingness.

My mark began to burn and soon the arrow shot out my neck and floated infront of me.

Arrow: Thank you child

A light eminated off the arrow and slowly took the form of a man that had no discernable features

Me: Who are you?

Arrow: I am god

Me: What?! You're God?

God: Indeed, you must have some questions

Me: Yeah... what did i do exactly?

God: You are part of an expanse multiverse, i had you do what others could not.

He looked to the right and a blue orb appeared, flashes of different peoples lives showed, there was a girl with sliver eyes, black hair with red tips and a boy with green eyes and brown hair.

God: However only one person was able to come close to what you did

There was a woman with long light blue hair and eyes, she wore a white military outfit with two long black off shoots.

It showed her dying with one arm while cradling the same boy from earlier before they were encased in ice and shattered.

Me: Why did you have me do this?

God: You are all my children, yet you fight amongst eachother and kill, rape, steal and do so much worse. I wanted to see who could truly live up to my vision

Me: What was it?

God: The road to heaven, it's a long one that can be done in many ways.

Me: What ways could it be done?

God: Like you, you can create a singularity point, take over the world and bring peace, defeat the ultimate evil and many others.

I looked down in shock as my sacred gear deactivated, glancing up at God i gripped my fists tightly, drawing blood.

Me: So what now?

God: I shall give you a choice, you can come with me to heaven, where you belong or you can return back but with some added changes.

Me: Let me go back...

(A/N What universe do you want to go to, RWBY or Highschool dxd)

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