A Short Breather Is What We Want

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3rd person pov

After the whole incident with Rubber Soul Issei had a piss up about how all his perverted things were thrown out.

Y/N couldn't handle it but was glad he didn't find out about Trish and Asia didn't tell anyone.

He layed under a tree at school during lunch, letting out a breath he tried to relax but heard a tree branch rustle

Opening his eyes Y/N looked up to see Koneko jumping down from the tree and landing beside him, a blank look on her face.

Koneko: Sup

Y/N: Why were you in the tree?

Koneko: Why were you laying down?

He sighed, laughing slightly before she sat down beside him and took out her lunch. Y/N glanced to her before sitting up.

They sat there in peace as she ate her lunch, the only sounds were of the wind blowing through the trees and faint voices from afar.

Koneko: The club's being revamped so Rias is holding the meeting at yours and Issei's house

Y/N: She um... she can't, we have family over

Koneko: It's just in Issei's room, besides she won't take no for an answer


Trish and Y/N were held up in her room, the sounds of laughter and embarrassment coming from Issei's room as he sighed.

Trish: Aren't you a part of their club?

Y/N: Yeah but... i hate most of them

Trish: Fair enough, although they're all devils?

Y/N: Yep, and the leader of the club is Satan's sister

She looked to him with a "really?" face but he kept his expression the same making her realise he was serious.

Before they could say anything else the door cracked open so Y/N went over swiftly and placed his hand on it to keep it closed.

Issei: What, you changing or something?

Y/N: Sure, let's go with that

Issei: Ohh, i get what you're doing... anything, Rias wanted to know if you recognised this guy?

He put his hand through the small gap the door was open and showed Y/N a picture with Issei, a boy who he didn't recognize and what seemed like a younger Y/N who didn't want to be there.

There was a sword in the background that Trish saw, somehow coming over with Y/N noticing but luckily Issei didn't see her

Y/N: Nope

Issei: Figured, anyway, use some air freshener when you're done

Y/N: Fuck off, pervert!

He kicked the door, hitting his arm making him cry out in pain. Sighing as he shut the door he looked to see Trish smiling slightly.

He raised an eyebrow in confusion as she went over to where he was sitting, feeling his chair for a moment she sat down somewhere else.

Trish: I recognized the sword, Gabriel had one like it

Y/N: If you don't mind me asking, what wss your past like?

Trish: I never knew my mom or dad, and i was passed back and forth between Sirzech and Gabriel. However i had a semi normal life, going to school before a few weeks ago when i was passed off to you

Y/N: Oh... well... do you want to go back to school?

Trish: After this is over, i do...

He went back and sat down on his seat, leaning back onto it before the door suddenly opened.

Chained To My Fate: Highschool Dxd x Male Reader {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now