Normality In Hiding

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3rd person pov

Y/N banged his head against his desk, making some people glance over to him. Searching through his bag he saw that due to being so busy fighting he neglected to do his homework.

Suddenly, as if it magically appeared in his hand a filled out sheet of homework sat in his hands, looking around he didn't see anyone but shrugged.

Handing it in he glanced out the window, seeing someone in a nearby tree. They looked over to Y/N and smirked, flicking a bullet into the air before vanishing.

Y/N shot up, running to the window before looking around to see if he could find them. Not seeing anything he sighed before the bell rang.

Going over he grabbed his bag and walked out of class, slipping into a more secluded part of the halls he pressed the mark on his neck and pierced himself with the arrow.

Getting Gold Experience back he grinned before desummoning the arrow, stepping out the school he heard a footstep behind him he turned but sighed in relief upon seeing Koneko.

Koneko: What's gotten you so jumpy?

Y/N: A few things, just gotta be on guard since i'm under attack like... twice a week

Koneko: I'm surprised you survived for so long, considering you're a human

Y/N: Wow, i feel the love

Koneko: Shut up...

Seeing a faint glimmer in the distance a gunshot went off, Y/N eyes widened before he took a step forward.

Y/N: Gold Experience!

It threw a flurry of punches, hitting the bullet out the air and making it crash into the ground.

Koneko looked around for the shooter as Y/N had Gold Experience pick up the bullet, seeing it's strange design.

Somehow the bullet had life energy yet a momemt later the bullet went back to normal, the life energy disappearing.

Koneko: You got anything?

Y/N:... No, nothing

He pocketed the bullet, calling back Gold Experience as it vanished. Looking around Y/N felt an air of menace around them.

Ignoring it he walked away, not caring to go to the ORC as he had... other more "important" things to deal with.

However before he could he heard another gun shot, looking to the bullet trail he saw it went into the ORC making him sigh.

He ran towards the building, slightly worried. Going inside he saw Issei rolling around on the floor as he clutched his arm in pain.

Y/N came over, summoning Gold Experience as it held it's palm over Issei's bullet wound making it pop out as the wound was closed.

Issei: Gah! Where's Asia...?

Y/N: No clue

He grabbed the bullet, seeing it was like the one from before. Suddenly Y/N was hit with a bullet, getting flung back as he cried out in pain.

Koneko went walk in but Y/N held out his hand as he held his wound, Issei stayed down as Y/N slowly got up.

Another gun shot was fired and Gold Experience raised his arms to block it, it went through one arm making the wound appear on Y/N.

Koneko/Issei: Y/N!

He stumbled back, sliding down the wall as he took a few shaky breaths. Somehow the bullet had drained his latent magic, making Gold Experience and him weaker.

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