First of a New Challenge

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(Ayy, nearly half a year since a new chapter. Are you guys excited? Are you fucking hype!? I ain't)

3rd person pov

Trish: So devils, angels and fallen angels exist, people want to capture me and you're a regular human

Y/N: With a sacred gear

He held up his hand as Hermit Purple was wrapped around it before disappearing, the two were sat in a cafe booth, she sighed and rubbed her temples.

Trish: What do i have to do with all this?

Y/N: That's what i want to know too. I mean i was told to take you your dad when the time's right

Trish:... My dad?

Y/N: Yeah, no clue who the bastard is though

She hummed, sipping on mineral water through a straw which Y/N had to pay way too much for.

He managed to make her wear a jacket over her top, saying it was a disguise just incase some other fallen come after them.

Trish eventually relented, making Y/N happy once today. A waitress came over so he gave her the money he owed her

She got a little touchy, thanking him and touching his wrist at the same time. They got up as he rubbed where she touched, feeling itchy.

Y/N: I have to give you a place to stay, so... you'll be at my house for a bit

Trish: Then call a cab, i don't want to walk

His eye twitched before he sighed, taking out his phone where he saw what looked like a bite where the waitress touched.

Calling a cab they told him it'd be ten minutes, taking a moment he hung up before putting his phone away.

?: Kill the girl...

Y/N raised an eyebrow before looking down to see the spot had turned into a face. He blinked a few tiwns before it grinned devilishly.

He panicked slightly as it began to grow, taking out his wallet he handed it to Trish before hiding hsi arms behind his back as she looked to him.

Y/N: The cab'll be here soon... go to the corner store, buy some mineral water since i have none at my house

Before she could reply Y/N ran off, keeping his hand over the growing... thing while looking around.

?: She's annoying, so just do it for me

Y/N: You're a sacred gear, aren't you?

?: Hehe, that's right. Empress, that's my name!

It bit his hand making him pull it away, wincing. He looked to Empress to see it had grown even more, now having arms and an upper body.

Y/N tried wrapping Hermit Purple around it, restraining her for a moment as he looked around.

Empress: That's not very nice, you shouldn't restrain your kids like this!

Y/N: Kids!?

She broke free beforr reeling back her fists, Y/N raised his hands up to block the flurry of punches as he struggled, feeling his bones crack.

Empress threw once more punch, throwing Y/N into a table where people were eating. Their foot spilled so he rolled to his side, getting up.

He ran away as the people looked to their split foot, somehow Y/N's foot print had left a map ontop of the food shocking them.

Y/N kept running, trying to hold her down bit due to being a sacred gear Empress was much stronger then the average human

Y/N: Guess i'll... have to use this.

He raised his other hand up as he focused his breathing, Hamon crackled around his hand before he drove he palm towards her.

Y/N: Overdrive!

Thrusting his palm to Empress she crackled with Hamon but swiftly threw a punch, cracking his hand as he cried out in pain.

Empress: Hamon? That's an old technique used to kill vampires, You idiot!

Y/N: It wasn't to hurt you, it was to heal me!

He flexed his fingers before looking forward to see a construction sight, Y/N lept over the fence before going to the wet cement.

Throwing his hand along with Empress in there he waited, looking at it before she busted out holding a broken piece of metal to his throat.

Empress: Dumb ass! You can't hurt a sacred gear with normal means, now i'll slit your carotid artery with the knife i picked up from when we were rolling around! After that i'll take the rest of your nutrients and kill Trish!

Y/N:... You've got alot to learn about fights

Suddenly Empress found herself unable to moved as Y/N took the broken knife from his neck and let out a breath, smiling a bit.

Empress: W-Why can't i move!?

Y/N: When i hit you with the Hamon it wasn't just to heal my hand. It left you with residual amounts, Hamon is energy from the sun after all

Empress: The heat from it... it made the concrete harden faster! How'd you know about the concrete!?

Y/N: Hermit Purple, not only does it conduct Hamon but i can get information. Now, it's time to make you sure you stop leeching from your parent!

He wrapped Hermit Purple around a girder and Empress as her eyes widened. Running up a Girder with a jump he pulled down, tearing her off.

It evaporated into the wind as he sighed in relief, wiping the wet concrete off his hand before walking back to Trish.

Eventually he made it back before the cab came, she handed him his wallet and when he looked inside he only had enough for the cab fare.

Sitting down inside it she joined him, Y/N told them where to go and paid them before looking to a bag Trish was holding.

Y/N: ...What did you buy?

Trish: There was a store near by that sold Chanel No. 5, plus stockings i liked.

Y/N: I told you to buy water

Trish: It's your job to take care of me, so you have to make sure i'm comfortable

He took a few breaths, trying to calm himself before seeing something in the windows reflection.

Blinking he didn't see it again making him shake his head and sigh, suddenly the cab driver fell into the steering wheel.

The car was going to crash so Y/N pulled Trish towards him, wrapping Hermit Purple around the both of them.

It crashed as the sound of the horn stopped, he slowly raised his head to hear Trish groaning in pain.

Unwrapping Hermit Purple from the two of them Y/N opened the door as he pulled her out, struggling a bit as his ankle seemed to be dislocated.

He got Trish out before looking up to see a man on a roof top, he disappeared in the blink of an eye so Y/N looked back to Trish.

Y/N: Not out the woodworks yet...

(Lemme know what you think)

Chained To My Fate: Highschool Dxd x Male Reader {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now