A Breif Respite... Or At Least i Thought So

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(A/N Can you guys tell i like part five alot?)

Y/N's pov

Sitting at a table Issei was next to our mom and our mom was sat across from us. I've looked around and only found pictures of our "dad" but no one's mentioned him.

I take a bit of my breakfast and sneak it under table to Sex Pistols can have some as well.

Truly it's strange having a fully conscious sacred gear that needs to eat, drink and sleep.

Maybe it's just because these guys are the first i've had like this but i don't want to get rid of them.

However i have to work so hard to not play favourites, from Number One and Number Six try to be the leader and Number Three bullying Number Five it's alot of hard work.

Must be what it's like to raise kids... except they're magical and given to me by an arrow made from God's corpse...

Mom: Y/N i didn't know you were so hungry

Glancing back up i noticed that i basically gave Sex Pistols half my breakfast. That's not gonna bite me in the ass later

Me: I guess it's because i'm more proactive now

Oh and did i neglect to mention to forget that Koneko is also here? She slept in the same bed as me to heal me but didn't leave when she finished so now she's eating breakfast with us.

Mom: So Koneko what exactly do you see in my son?

We blushed and Koneko looked down slightly as her hair covered her eyes, i nervously chuckled before scratching the back of my head.

Koneko: Well he's nice, caring and kinda cute...

Our blushes got even bigger at this point as i looked to Koneko in shock, mom giggled and tried to muffle it by placing her hand over her mouth.

Mom: Oh young love, reminds me of when i first met my husband

Koneko: If you don't mind me asking where is he?

Mom: He's on a business trip but should be back in a couple days

Well that saves that awkward conversation. For some reason Issei was glaring at me but he wasn't angry no... more jealous than anything

Why's he jealous though? Cause of Koneko? I mean i can understand i guess. She is cute, kinda like a kitte- WOAH!

Calm down Y/N, remember that you two are just friends and that Koneko might have only been playing along.

But there's a chance that she wasn't playing along... and that she actually ment it...

Issei: Guess we better get going

We nodded before getting up and placing out stuff away, waving we left the house and began walking to school.

I felt something on my hand and pulled it out my pocket to reveal Sex Pistols who were ushering me closer.

Pulling them up to my ear they whispered something that made me blush, they climbed onto my shoulder and i clenched my hand before inching closer towards Koneko.

Gently i grabbed her and held it in my own, she looked to me shocked but i turned my head awat embarresed.

So i can fight fallen angels and get shot and shot by lightning but this is my limit befoee i get too embarresed?

Koneko just squeezed my hand before offering me a small smile, Sex Pistols on my shoulder as Number One, Two, Six and Seven highfived while Number Three punched Number Five.

Chained To My Fate: Highschool Dxd x Male Reader {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now