Never Stopping

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(Such a minimal amount of votes, really feel like restating this is a waste of time. Also, what waifu you want? We got Asia, Koneko or Trish but i'm okay with all three)

3rd person pov

Y/N: Fuckin' mess with me... i'll show you

He gripped the counter top tightly, getting up Y/N went to go over to Issei's room but the front door opened to reveal Asia making him suspicious.

Asia: W-What?

Y/N: Prove to me that you're you

Asia: U-Um... the first time we met you made a tree?

Hesitating her dropped his stance, running a hand through his hair before pacing back and forth as Asia watched him in confusion.

Asia: What's going on?

Y/N: Issei's acting weird. He threw out all his perverted stuff

Asia:... Isn't that a good thing?

Y/N: That's the point! He'd never do something so morally justifiable

She sighed a bit, sitting down before he heard another door open, glancing over to the stairs he saw Trish.

Gesturing for her to go Asia looked over making him panic slightly, the two girls looked to eachother before Trish waved slightly.

Asia did too, glancing to Y/N for answer to who she is making him think, biting his nails he thought for a moment.

Y/N: Okay uh... Promise not to tell Rias

Asia: ...Okay

Y/N: So Satan came to me the other day and handed me to her, then we got attacked a few times but everythings good although we definately know we're being hunted by Fallen

Asia: Why don't you want to tell Rias about this?

Y/N: Because i don't want to owe her anything

Nodding slightly Issei's door opened making them all look over. Upon spotting Trish who had walked down the stairs Issei looked to her.

Y/N: Trish... come over here

She obliged, walking towards him as she kept her gaze on Issei. Y/N stood up as Issei's expression remained blank.

He took a step down the stairs but Y/N summoned Gold Experience making Issei stop, Asia stood up and went to say something but Y/N held up his hand.

Y/N: Issei... get back up the fucking stairs

Issei: Why, you're acting kinda weird y'know

Asia: ...I hate to say it, but you are. Why don't you let him explai-

Gold Experience punched at Issei but he raised his arms in defence, blocking the punch bit skidding back making Asia gasp.

Y/N: This confirms it, you only have one life energy within you... Ddraig gives you a second

Issei: Oh dear, it seems i've been found out...

He melted into a yellow goop with a humanoid form, slowly changing into a man with long dark hair and no top Y/N clenched his fists.

?: But it doesn't matter... i've already captured Trish and Asia!

Turning around Y/N saw that the yellow goop had gotten onto both of them as they were on their knees, clearly in pain.

He went to attack with Gold Experience but the imposter held up a finger, smirking to himself.

?: Hold on there, if you attack me i'll have Yellow Temperance kill them both

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