What Could Have Been

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3rd person pov

Y/N looked around, seeing a girl around his age sitting on a swing alone. He approached her, sitting on the other one as she looked to him.

Y/N: Hey, why aren't you playing with the others?

The young boy looked back at her before she hung her head, gently rocking back and forth but never more then a few inches.

?: 'Cause i'm not from here

Y/N: They're just silly, i'll play with you!

?:... Really?

Y/N: Yeah!

?: Thanks... i'm Trish


Y/N: Man... this is too hard

He flopped his head onto a desk as a book sat in front of him, there were scribbled out answers and questions he'd eat to aboid doing.

Trish began explaining how to do it but all that went over Y/N's head as he zoned out, she noticee this so she curled up some paper and hit him on the head with it.

Y/N: Ow!

He shot up, overreacting as he held were she hit. Trish rolled her eyes as she sat back down and unrolled the paper.

Trish: You won't pass if you don't listen, hell, your brother will get higher grades then you at this rate

Y/N: Like hell he will, i'll show him

He got to work, making Trish smile at how she "tricked" him before continuing to do her own.

As they worked a question popped up in her mind so she looked to Y/N as he worked through the homework the best he could.

Trish: Hey... do you think things like the supernatural exist?

Y/N: Nah, we would've seen it by now

Trish: Yeah, i suppose you're riiiiiiiii-

She seemed to melt away as Y/N looked over, soon replaced by a girl around the age of fourteen with a thin trail of blood running down her mouth.

Looking to her in shock Y/N came back to his senses, seemingly under an illusion. The scene changed to a playground again as she was sat on a swing.

Y/N raised his hand, aiming his finger at her as his nail began spinning. He fired the naik at her but it simply phased through her with a slight ripple

Angelica: Why do you seek the corpse parts? Is it for your own selfishness, to live forever?

Y/N: What's going on... i-is this-

Angelica: My boss told me that once he got them all, a prosperity would come for all races. Devils, Angels, Fallen, Yokai, humans... we'd all be equal under him

Y/N: No one should have them, it's too dnagerous to imagine what they'd do with it

Angelica: Yet you want them

Feeling something pulling at his arm he looked to see his arm was slowly opening up as the corpse part was being pulled out.

He tried grabbing it but his hand went through it, thinking he could snap out this illusion he took a deep breath before pulling a pen out his pocket.

Jamming it into his shoulder as it pierced through it he cried out in pain before waking up to see students, mindless and groaning, pulling out the corpse part.

He kicked them away and they let go, the arm going back into his before he got up. Despite the pen lodged in his shoulder his senses were damped.

Looking up Y/N saw what looked like a bird flying around, so he aimed at it but figured it was out of his range before the students came at him.

Y/N began running, the students following along slowly like what seemed to be a pack of zombies although they still had heartbeats.

He climbed onto a wall and they shambled towards him, reaching for the teen but being unable to reach.

Y/N: The hell do i do... the user has to be around here, right?

As he began walking along the wall he saw the ORC clubroom, a light quickly shined from inside before disappearing.

Suddenly, one of the mindless students grabbed his foot and dragged him down to them. He tried knocking them back but they grabbed his arms and legs.

He fired a nail bullet at them but it didn't seem to affect them before the arm was being pulled out from his making Y/N panic.

Looking to them as he was pinned down, Y/N observed something... the tree a bit further back. The leaves made the shape of  a rectangle.

Firing at them once again it missed but a small black hole began travelling along the ground. When the arm was nearly pulled out the hole travelled onto the student.

They were blown away as the arm sank back into Y/N, he fired the remaining three nails he had on that hand and they let go of him.

Getting up as he saw one of his nails were growing back way slower. Y/N ran into the ORC clubhouse and let out a breath, not realising there was a blood running down his leg.

Y/N slammed the door shut, moving a book case infront of it before he panted a bit. He began going through the building before seeing Issei who was nursing a wound.

Y/N: What happened?

He came over to Issei before he looked to him in shock, the pen in his shoulder stuck out and he had a large scratch down his leg.

Issei: C-Can you not... feel those?

Looking down Y/N shook his head, the pen only feeling like a slight prick while the scratch was like it wasn't even there in the first place.

Issei: There's no time to laze about, Asia's been taken

Y/N: ...Diodora

There was a bang at the door before it slowly faded away, Y/N went over to the window to see the bird had disappeared before he could feel his wounds.

His eyes widened before he gritted his teeth, grabbing the pen before yanking it out as he let out a muffled sound of pain.

Dropping it to the floor he panted, nearly falling over as he felt faint from all the blood loss, he placed a hand on the wall before gritting his teeth.

Y/N: Can we get her back... no, if we're going to do it... i need my memories back

(Lemme know what you think also sorry for the short chapter today)

Chained To My Fate: Highschool Dxd x Male Reader {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now