The Glory Gods

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Waking up i sat up and stretched until i heard a crack, throwing off my covers i threw my feet over the side of my bed.

Surprisingly no one else was in my bed but there was a piece of paper on my night stand.

Picking it up i saw instructions for a breathing technique? Underneath there was a signature from a "Sirzech".

Apparently it was called "Hamon" and would help me fight? There were types of "overdrives jotted down too...

What the hell is this!? Shaking my head i placed the paper down and got changed, there was no school today so i dressed casually.

Going back over to the paper i sighed before trying it, emptying all the oxygen from my lungs i breathed in then out then i took a deep breath in as lightning crackles around me!

I stopped making the lightning disappear, staring at my hands i clenched them tightly before walking out my room.

Rias had apparently lost her rating game but Issei kicked the shit out of the fire chicken dude and she was free from marriage.

Walking into the living room i noticed that it was early enough for no one to be awake but the sun could still be up.

Deciding that it was probably a good idea i summoned the arrow and pierced myself.

Star Platinum tires me out too much so it would be nice to have a change of pace.

Summoning my sacred gear, purple vines with thorns on them appear on my right hand.

I de-summoned it and walked out my house. Walking down the side walk there were barely any people around so it was a shock when some one tapped me.

Turning around i saw a tall man with long red hair in armour, behind him was a girl with short pink hair and an odd choice of clothing.

Me: What do you want?

?: My name is Sirzechs and i have a request

Wait the guy who put the weird breathing instructions in my bed room?

Sirzechs: I need you to house and take care of this girl for awhile, then take her to her father when it's time.

Me: Who are you exactly?

Sirzech: I'm Satan

... Is he serious? This guy is Satan? He looks like a cosplayer! Suddenly he just walked away and i was left with the girl.

Me: I'm Y/N

?: Trish


So Trish is a pain in the ass... like a royal pain! She's so fucking fussy! I swear she's goung to drain my wallet quicket then a sad drunk guy at a strip club.

She walked out a bathroom ans came up to me as my eye twitched in annoyance.

Trish: Take off your shirt

Me: What...? Why?

Trish: Just do it, it's not like i want to see you with your shirt off

I took it off and handed it towards her, she dried her hands with it before walking forward.

I stayed still and my face was blank before it contorted in rage and i threw it onto the ground.

Calming myself, i put my shirt back on and caught up with Trish as i wiped the dirt off my shirt.

Suddenly the hairs on the back of my neck stood up so i pulled Trish to the side. A beam of magic passed by where she was so i turned my head to see a fallen angel.

?: Tsk... this could have been done quickly!

His hair moved? And wrapped around my arm, i felt my blood being drained so i tried to rip it but nothing happened.

Focusing my breathing a red lightning crackles around my free hand before i  punched the hair.

Me: Scarlet Overdrive!

The Hamon reached up the hair and electricuted him making him fly back as the hair let go of my arm. Turning to Trish see looked scared and confused.

Trish: What the hell is going on!?

Suddenly i was hit in the stomach which made cough up blood, turning i saw the guy had his fist planted in my stomach.

I used Hamon and punched him in the face with both arms which shocked him.

He stumbled back and i steadied my breathing and the Hamon intensified, rushing at him the Hamon crackled around my body before i unleashed a flurry of blows.

Me: Sunlight Yellow Overdrive!

Throwing the last punch he was flung into a building and was implanted into it.

I summoned my sacred gear and wrapped it around him, suddenly thoughts filled my head.

Kokobiel... glory gods... nine of them...

It unwrapped as the guy died, i let out a breath and turnef to Trish who was still shaking.

Trish: Please explain to me what the hell just happened!

Me: Well where do you want me to start?

(Lemme know what you think)

Chained To My Fate: Highschool Dxd x Male Reader {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now