Chapter 13-The Marvels of Tomorrow

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The big science expo came around faster than Clara was expecting

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The big science expo came around faster than Clara was expecting. It wasn't long before Clara was trading her nights out with Steve and Bucky, for accompanying Howard and is flying car to a flashy exposition for scientists to show off. The Marvels of Tomorrow made her feel somewhat at home. All the fantastical new inventions would, one day, find themselves into daily use or stashed away in S.H.I.E.L.D HQ. The car Howard had managed to wire up was the same shade of red as Lola was. Whatever had happened to her since Phil had passed away...

Howard had set up rather quickly. Being a billionaire he had people to do that for him, most of them were girls in skimpy outfits. Clara was both relieved and insulted that she hadn't been asked to help out.

"I've got you a front row seat for my performance." Howard said after he'd set everything up. He threw an arm around her and pulled her close to him, turning her around to face the stage where a futuristic, if clunky, car was positioned centre stage.

"Howard," Clara said scathingly, "It's a standing performance."

"The point is, you'll be right next to the stage. The best view to marvel at your closest friend as he revolutionises the modern world!"

Clara smiled at him in a sort of hopelessness as she swaggered off backstage to prepare. Clara stood awkwardly by the stage waiting for other people to form a crowd around her. Before too long, Howard had attracted half the expo to marvel at his flying car!

A breath caught in Clara's throat as Howard slowly pushed the lever up. Her eyes tracked the car on its slow ascent. The lever was almost at the top. A horrible clunking resonated from within it's modified tyres. Then it crashed down. Howard shot her a glare and mouthed: "but the iridium!" Clara shrugged in response and turned around to see the reaction of the crowd. Most of them were laughing but a skinny little man at the back caught Clara's attention. Steve was sneaking off again and she'd be damned if it wasn't her job to keep him out of trouble. She had gone running off after him before she could hear how Howard managed to save the situation.

"Steve." She announced when she had caught up with him. He had made a beeline to the army tent. He had stood there in a melancholy trance, staring at the photos of men in uniform wistfully.

"Clara." He stuttered, taken aback, "I'm sorry, I didn't know you'd be here. I didn't really think all this tech stuff was your thing."

Oh how little he knew...

"And I didn't think risking your life was your thing." Clara interjected, "How many times, Steve?"

"That's not the point."

"You really think the fifteenth time is the charm?" Clara asked skeptically, even though she knew where Steve would end up. But the scrawny little boy before her made even Clara doubtfully. He'd need a miracle to get into the army.

"I can't just give up, Clara. Everyone's signing up. Bucky's signed up, soon I'll be the only one left stuck at home."

"Wait, Bucky's signed up?"

"Yeah, couple of weeks ago. Didn't he tell you?"

"No. He didn't."

"Steve, where are you running off to? You can't expect me to take both our dates dancing!" Bucky smirked as he sauntered over. He hadn't seen Clara yet. She didn't want him to but it was too late to sneak off now. She suddenly realised why Steve did it so often.

"Oh, Clara! I, er, didn't see you there."

"Going dancing, I hear?" Clara interrogated, folding her arms across her chest and using her best S.H.I.E.L.D agent voice.

"Yeah. You're more than welcome to tag along." He offered. Clara's brows furrowed in contempt.

"Three's a crowd." She said bitterly. This time neither Bucky nor Clara laughed. Luckily for everyone, Bucky left to take the two girls out dancing. Clara sighed in relief once it was just her and Steve again.

"You should have gone with him." Steve stated.

"Don't change the subject! How are you going to wriggle your way into the army this time? Where are you going to say your from, Neverland?!" Clara seethed.

"It's just something I need to do." Steve admitted sadly. Clara thought about everything that Phil had raved about on their countless missions together. All those things Steve would go on to do...and all those things that he'd miss out on.

"Steve," Clara said suddenly calmly. She knew she couldn't change anything, not matter how much she wanted to, "You have my blessing." She said, smirking.

"And you have mine." He retorted.

When did he get so sassy?

"You should have gone with him."

"No." Clara assured, herself more than Steve. Howard had almost finished his first prototype of the time machine. She'd be home soon and never be able to leave him behind if their relationship went any further.

"You know," Steve mused, "If you'd gone with them, the other two would leave pretty soon. You know why?" He asked, waiting in silence for a response from Clara. She sighed and shook her head. "Because he would have ignored them all night."

Before Clara could question Steve further, he had disappeared to try to enlist yet again. Clara could only hope all of this mess would eventually work itself out for the better.

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Things are definitely getting intresting,

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