Chapter 23- Prodigy

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"Clara!" Holly giggled as she came bounding up to her during their break

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"Clara!" Holly giggled as she came bounding up to her during their break. They'd had their work cut out since Steve rescued all those men. They'd all come back with one injury or another which had to be treated. All those hours they'd put in had granted them an hours break. Holly was quick to disappear off to see her fiance who was luckily one of the men that returned and didn't have to be on three days bed rest.

"Clara, this is Harry!" Holly beamed, clinging onto the arm of a tall man with an equally big smile on his face as his fiancee.

"Nice to meet you." Harry beamed, extending a hand that Clara gladly shook.

"It's nice to meet the man Holly hasn't been able to shut up about." Clara teased in response.

"All good things, I hope." Harry said, running a hand through his untidy, black hair.

"Relax, you've got my blessing."

"Come on, Harry. I've only got another twenty minutes of my break left and I don't want to spend it in the medical tent." Holly chirped, tugging on Harry's arm and dragging him out of the medical tent where Clara was sat peacefully with a cup of tea.

"I can't believe I'm the only one left." Maggie sighed as she slumped down on an unoccupied bed.

"What do you mean?" Clara asked, sipping her tea.

"I'm the only one of us not to have met the love of my life."


"Holly's got Harry, you've got that Bucky. I've not met my true love yet."

"True love..." Clara pondered.

A clear cough resonated through the medical tent, snapping Clara out of her trance and making Maggie roll her eyes. Clara snapped her head up to meet Bucky's eyes. He had pushed aside the tarpaulin curtain and peered into the medical tent.

"Holly told me you gals were on break. Mind if I steel Clara away?" He asked Maggie. She waved a hand toward Clara, gesturing to the makeshift door. Clara set her tea down on the floor by the bed she was perched on and walked over to where Bucky was standing.

He let the tarpaulin curtain fall as Clara had left, his hand falling to rest on her shoulders.

"I can't have my gal stuck at work all day." He said cockily, guiding her around all the tents. "There's not much to do around here, but I can try to make the most of it."

"Where are we going?" She asked, looking up at him. He smirked in response. "Okay, fine. Don't tell me."

"What's this?" Clara asked when Bucky had finally stopped leading her around the camp. They'd ended up in an empty clearing that Clara recognised as the shooting range where they took the new recruits.

"I thought it'd be fun to teach you how to shoot."

"You mean, so you could show off?" Clara taunted. Bucky threw his hands up in surrender.

"It can do two things!"

Bucky handed her a small handgun. It was just smaller than Clara's forearm and lighter than she had expected. She felt its weight in her hand, throwing it up slightly and catching it again expertly. She turned it over in her hands to get a good look at it. It was simple enough, a decent rubber grip and an easy format.

She recognised it as a colt 1911. It would become standard for the U.S army after this war was over. They'd used them in S.H.I.E.L.D all the time when it was just founded. Then they had recruited a whole load of scientists and the technology just kept getting better and better.

"You know what to do?" Bucky asked as Clara lined up in front one of the targets.

"Pull the trigger?" Clara said simply. She knew full well what to do, it was all covered in her S.H.I.E.L.D basic training.

"There's a little more to it than that." Bucky said coming around the back of her. His arms wrapped around her shoulders, his hands finding hers and positioning the pistol correctly in her hands.

"Put your left palm on the side," He said, intertwining his fingers with Clara's and moving her palm across the cool metal, "Like this."

"Now I shoot?" She prompted.

"Not yet. You're going to actually have to put a finger around the trigger first. There you go!" He said as Clara readjusted her grip.


"Have at it." He said, taking a step back to admire his teaching skills.

Clara readjusted her grip again, taking pleasure in the fact that Bucky had done it slightly wrong. She tensed her left hand and arm against the pistol and relaxed her right finger into the trigger. It went off with a loud bang. Unphased Clara relaxed into the recoil, using the momentum from the recoil to launch the gun backwards into her finger, setting off the trigger again. Both shots hit the bulls eye exactly.

"You're an excellent teacher." Clara said smugly as she dropped the gun into Bucky's palm.

"And you are a prodigy." He marvelled, placing the gun on a nearby table. "You, Clara Lewis, are amazing." He said, placing his hands of her shoulders and pulling her close. If only they could stay like that but Clara's break had come to an end.

Hey everyone!

I only have one thing to say about this chapter- aw!

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