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Jinho's POV:
Jinho was nervous. No. He was beyond nervous. He knew that if he didn't start studying and get better with his English that he would be held back.

"Get held back? NOW!??? That would be terrible. I would still have to come to school for another semester. Who has time for that????" Jinho thought to himself as he sat in his class. He thought of Hongseok. On how they were supposed to have a study date together. Well not really a date more like a tutoring session. Jinho didn't know what to think since he wasn't really close to Hongseok.

He thought back to this morning and how cute Hongseok looked. His skin was so tan and seemed so radiant. Jinho couldn't keep his eyes off him. His built physique made him stand out as he walked back to the area Jinho sat at. Jinho thought of how soft his hair looked and soon realized he was swooning over his English tutor?

 Jinho thought of how soft his hair looked and soon realized he was swooning over his English tutor?

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"I mean he was cute." Jinho though out loud.
Hui overheard Jinho, "Who's cute hyung? Me?? (He pointed towards himself) That's so nice of you hyung I didn't know I was your type." Hui said to Jinho who looked a little startled at what Hui said.
"What are you talking about??? I didn't say anyone was cute. Pffft. Hui you're hearing things." He tried playing off making sure his best friend didn't catch on to the blush that had spread to his cheeks.
"Hyunggggggg! Who were you talking about????" Hui looked directly at Jinho trying to get him to spill on who the mystery beauty was that was wondering on his best friends mind.

"Hyung has a crush??? On who? Is it Yanan?? No! Is it Yuto?? I've seen the way the two of you can be?? Are you into that Adachi hyung??" Shinwon blurted our not forgetting to smirk at the end after teasing his hyung.

"Will the both of you shut up?? I don't like Yanan. And I definitely don't like Yuto. They're my dongsaeng's. I could never see those two kids as anything more than kids. You idiots need to stop talking bout me and go after y'all own men." Jinho teased Hui and Shinwon back.
"Hyung that was uncalled for." "Yeah!" Both Hui and Shinwon started whining. Jinho just laughed and kept thinking about Hongseok. He didn't know him that well and he definitely didn't know where he lived so he was kind of lost on how to get to his house.

Wait I have his number, Jinho thought. Jinho took out his phone and decided to text Hongseok.

Hey Hongseok! This is
Jinho. I was wondering
what your address is
since I needed to come over.

Hey Jinho! I completely  forgot
I needed to give you my address
( 196 Yang Residency Jongno-gu Blvd. Seoul , Korea)

Thank you so much!
I just want to apologize in
advance about my English.
It's not the best. Hence on why
I need the tutoring.

Don't mention it. I get it's
quite difficult to grasp. It took me
some time to adjust to English too. You'll
be fine. As long as you try.

Well then I guess I'll see you later, huh?

I guess you will. :)

Hongseok's POV:
Hongseok put down his phone down with a smile on his face. He didn't know why but the idea of Jinho coming over made him quite happy.
Is my room clean??? What lesson will we start with today?? Am I actually capable of  teaching Jinho???, Hongseok's mind was bombarded with questions as he though of his tutoring session with Jinho.

Hongseok looked at his phone. It was now 2:15 school would end in 45 minutes. He decided to sit back in his Precalculus class (the class he dreaded most) and come up with some lessons that could help Jinho. He wanted to help Jinho improve as much as he could.
Maybe we'll even become friends, Hongseok thought  as he wrote down some simple phrases down. Little did he know he was up for a big surprise later that day.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been so busy with school work and family stuff that sometimes I'm too exhausted to write a chapter. But I'm back and will be posting a lot more. Don't worry readers, I have some good things in store for y'all 😉

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