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Jinho's POV:
At school:
"I GOT A WHAT?" Jinho screamed in disbelief. He felt like maybe he was stuck in a dream. A dream in which all his dreams finally came true and everything was right. He couldn't believe what he heard. It was a miracle.
"Jinho you got an A on your mid term. Good job! You have really been improving on your English!" His teacher said with a wide smile.
"Could you repeat that? But hold on, let me take out my phone to record it." Jinho frantically searched for his phone.
"Jinho you got an A. Not a Medal of Honor, so quit that nonsense and go back to your seat." His teacher replied after seeing how happy Jinho got with the news.

I really just got an A! An A! Like wah, I wasn't expecting such a good grade. I looked over at Hongseok to see he was studying. He's the reason I got an A. He's the reason I've gotten so much better with English. Yang Hongseok was my motivation to try harder at this school stuff.
"Hongseok I got an A! On our midterm! Thanks to you!" I said after going up to him and giving him a hug. I guess he wasn't expecting it because he just stood there for a while before hugging me back.
He felt so warm and smelled so nice. He looked nice today to. Like dang I could lost in this mans arms. He was so much bigger than me so when he hugged me back his arms wrapped perfectly around me. And I could just lay my head on his shoulder. It felt right.

"Jinho, I'm so proud of you, but you know you can let me go now" Hongseok laughed at me as I separated myself from him. I guess he could tell I was trying to hide my red face.
"You're cute when you're blushing." He stated with a smirk. It did something to me cuz I immediately felt blood rushing to my face. Like he just complimented me! I sat in the seat next to him so I wouldn't get yelled at by our professor.

"You know if you really think I'm that cute you should take me out to hang out or idk maybe um yeah hang out." Woah. I don't know where I got that courage from but oof if he says yes that would be amazing.
"I mean I've been wanting to hangout with you for a while so, where do you want to hang out?" Hongseok asked me. I looked at him in disbelief. He really just did that?

Third Person POV:
Hongseok looked at Jinho who was thinking of where to hang out. Hongseok has been studying, but really he kept thinking about Jinho. They have been meeting for weeks for Jinho's tutoring session, but he wants to go out with him and get to know him better. He knows he loves to sing, to dance, he knows that he has a younger sibling, and that he is absolutely in love with food. But he also knows that when Jinho is nervous he has the tendency to mess with the sleeves of the oversized shirts he wears, and that when he's upset he covers his face with his hands to try to hide how upset he is. But he wants to know more.
Jinho was thinking of all the places he likes to go to. He was thinking about places that Hongseok might like. He didn't want to go somewhere with him that's boring. I don't want to take him to a place he might not feel comfortable at. I want to get to know him better if that's possible.

Hongseok's POV:
"Jinho are you still thinking about it?" I tried hard not to laugh at him. He was so dozed off.

"Don't laugh at me! I'm just thinking of what we could do. We could go out to eat and have some prom or gopchang and some fried rice. Then go to the movies or the park. At the end of the night find some more friends and go to a Karaoke store and have some real fun." He said wiggling his eyebrows at the last suggestion. I didn't know what he meant but I thought why not? Can it be that bad?

"I mean I'm down for whatever. But you better be available for the entire day because this gonna be a whole day thing Hyung." I said seeing him choke up on the hyung part.
"How do you know I'm your hyung?!" Jinho said sort of surprised.
"I mean we've been in some of the same classes and I've been told that you're at least a year or two older than me." I said leaning back in my seat to face Jinho.
"Well they're not wrong, but aish I didn't need you to know I was an old fart. He said trying to hide his face from me again.
"You're not that old." I laughed at how silly he was being. He called himself old but he literally looks like he's younger than me. With his chubby cheeks and beautiful brown eyes, his full rosy lips, his adorable smile that makes me want to...  okay woah there my mind should not be going there. HONGSEOK GET YOURSELF TOGETHER!
"Well we're going to hang out this weekend. Because I'm free and I know that maybe you'll be free, right" I asked hoping he was free Saturday.
"Yeah, I'm free. I'll be able to hang out with you and I can pick you up if you want." He said smiling at me.
"That would be the best hyung!" I said not being able to contain my excitement.

Third Person POV:
Hongseok and Jinho kept chatting about what to do on Saturday not even realizing that they were about to leave. Both were so drawn into the conversation that they didn't realize their teacher had given them a new assignment to do. Both were so caught up with talking that their classmates started to realize that they had become close. Hongseok, the most studious kid at the university hanging out with a senior that was known for being trouble? Is that a good mix? No one was going to question it. I mean they all know about Jinho's past. Hongseok may have showed up around a year and a half ago but he has heard some rumors about Jinho. He just didn't know whether to believe it or not. Not that he had been talking to Jinho though he didn't believe that there was any way Jinho was used to be a bad person. Then again, he was barely getting to know him. He didn't want to judge him without knowing him. So he planned on getting to know him better. What was the truth about Jo Jinho? He didn't know but he was surely going to find out.
Jinho had the feeling that spending too much time with Hongseok wasn't a smart idea but he just couldn't stay away from him. This man was different from any other guy he had spent time with. The last thing he wanted was to have him push him away because he learns about his past. I mean know one knows why everything happened. They just knew that something happened with Jinho's family that caused him to change for a while, but no one ever asked. They only labeled Jinho and let rumors fly. What no one was expecting though, was that Yang Hongseok would walk into his life and change everything. That he would be the reason Jinho wouldn't be afraid to put everything on the line.

Leaving y'all with a cliffhanger because I finally got to come back to writing my stories. Y'all these Pat couple weeks have been killed. My friends graduated and not gonna lie. I cried a lot. Gonna miss em ya know. Then with home there's some stuff that's been going on. Just gonna say that there's a lot I'm working on at the moment, so thank you to all of you who have read and stuck with me when it comes to this story. I know I should upload more and I will try as much as I can. But I hope y'all like this chapter. I love you all😋💜

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