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"Dude he was so cute! Like how can a guy look so hot and yet so cute at once???" Rambled Hongseok to Changgu. Changgu is Hongseok's best friend. They've been best friends since they were little kids. They both grew up in Seoul and were neighbors. Both strive to accomplish the same dream of becoming idols.
"What was his name again?" Asked Changgu.
          He was trying to soak in all the information Hongseok dropped on him but had no clue of who Hongseok was talking about.

Hongseok ran in front of Chnaggu and looked him dead in the eye, "His name is Jo Jinho. The cutest/hottest guy I've seen thus far at our school. Like how did I not notice him before!? Now I have to help him with our English class and I have no idea if I'm even equipped to be teaching someone English!" Rambled Hongseok.

"Don't worry you'll be fine. You can speak multiple languages fluently. You got this. Just impress the dude for a bit while y'all study," Chnaggu winked at Hongseok after he finished his remark hoping Hongseok would catch on to what he was telling him to do.
Hongseok blushes bright red as he caught on to what Changgu was basically saying. Hongseok thought it was oh so wrong to try and impress Jinho the way Changgu was telling him to. Or well so he thought.

"Show how good you are at cooking, how smart you are, and how how you can do like 500 push ups in 7 minutes. When is he supposed to come over to your place anyways?" Changgu asked as he tilted his head toward his friend only to Hongseok staring at someone. Changgu followed where it is Hongseok was staring at to see a small guy with brown hair, puffy cheeks, a bright smile, and an adorable eye smile talking to Shinwon. The little guy seemed to be Hongseok's main focus as the two walked down the hall. Changgu watched as the little guy approached Hongseok.

"Hey! Can I get your number? So I can text you about what time we should meet up and what it is our professor says I need help on?" The little guy was smiling at Hongseok who seemed to find the little guy interesting, but didn't show it. He was cool headed around Jinho, while Jinho oozed interest as he stared at Hongseok.

"Sure. My number is 559-8789. You text me and I'll send you my address and we can set up a time for when we do our tutoring sessions." Hongseok was trying so hard to not let his hard exterior fall, but at the same time he wanted to seem cool and strong in front of Jinho.

"Thank you so much uh - "Hongseok" -Hongseok! Well I hope we get to see each other soon because I really need to bring my grade up. I'll end up repeating the semester and I ain't up for it." The little guy began to walk away but Hongseok had to call him back over.
"What's your name?" - "Jinho". But most of my closest friends barely visit so.
"Welp see you later Hongseok.' Jinho said goodbye to Hongseok and walked away with Shinwon. Hongseok watched Jinho leave thinking about how cute the small boys eye smile was to die for. Hongseok turned around and headed towards his next class

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