The Siege of Boston

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March of 1776

Lillian walked down the road as she held the basket of bread. The poorer children lined the streets running towards her. She heard a cannon fire. Nathaniel who was helping ran at her. "It the conational Army." He yelled as the children ran towards them. "Children! Follow me. keep close to Nathaniel and I." She yelled as she picked up a young girl. They ran back the house.

Some of the scared children held onto her skirts as the servants tried to calm the others. She heard the gun fire and the cannons. William being shot flashed in her mind. She felt scared but held herself together. 

She heard a Knock on the door. "Don't open it!" She order the servants. "Lillian! Help please...!" A young boys voice yelled. Lillian rushed to the door. A Red coat held a child who was bleeding. "Take him." The red coat said as he fell. The children screamed. Lillian closed the door, Blood dotted her dress as they took the child to the kitchen. 

Lillian lead the rest of the children to the wine cellar. "stay here..." Lillian order as some of the children started to cry.  "Don't leave a child still clutching to her skirts said with a sad expression. "Okay just for a moment-"

She heard the sound a cannons again. The child was okay, They all held each other for the rest of the night. She woke the next morning to a cracking noise. She looked around her, everything was fine. She moved the door to the cellar open. She grabbed the food she could and brought it back down.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and she whipped her head around. "Nathaniel you, scared me." Lillian said. "Sorry, I..." Nathaniel said as his hand fell to his side. "Help me carry these please." Lillian said as she held up some fruit. "You are so selfless." Nathaniel said as he grabbed a knife off the table. "Nathaniel... what are you-" The knife went into her corset. She fell to the floor, One of the other servants screamed. The cannons stilled fired. Nathaniel ran out of the house. A man saw him and shot him, thinking he was a colonial.  "Lillian!" The cook yelled as she try to remove the knife from her corset. "It's stuck!" She yelled as they realized she was okay. "Nathaniel tried to kill you..." The cook said shocked.

The siege went on until night fall. She heard a knock on the door. She was still trying to get the knife out of her corset. Her father and General Washington ran in. "Lillian!" Her father yelled as he saw her. She looked to see red on her dress. The cook was crying, "Miss, Nathaniel's body was found... We don't know why he tried to stab you." The cook said as she saw red. "Stop! You are hurting yourself!, just take off the corset!" Her hand made yelled. "The knife is in my chest, I can't let the children in the Cellar see me." Lillian said finally seeing her father. "Lillian... my god what happened?" General Washington said as the butler came down stairs. "I know why, he said holding a letter with a brits seal on it. The brits wanted him to get information, they where using Nathaniel to get to Lillian." The Butler said as Lillian finally pulled the knife out with a scream.

Kassandra stood in the door way also her mother. The children in the cellar where up to. "Miss Lillian." One of the Children said seeing the red. "I will be fine..." Lillian said as she thought of William.

She woke the next morning. She felt a pain in her chest. She looked to see stiches. She moved out of bed and started to write to William, she know knew the weight of her importance. She wrote with tears as her head throbbed with pain.

To William Everheart,

I am please to inform you I made it threw the siege of Boston with all the children. I am regretting to inform you that I was stabbed by a trusted friend, It aches me to know you are so far away from me. William I think about you all the time, you can't escape my mind. You are very kind unlike the other Brits I have meant so far. I miss your smile. I wish to see it again but I can not for a while why I am resting for my wound.

From Lillian Jessica Anderson

William looked at the letter in shock. One of his friends came over. "Is it from that girl? Oh my god she was Stabbed." His friend said. "Um..." William said looking at the letter. "She is okay though.." William said as he started to write again on his documents. "Anderson... Wait is she related to General Anderson the one from Boston?" His friends asked. "I do not know..." William said not quite sure.

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