It's All Over

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 "There! Ya did it," Cuphead told me, still holding my wrist. "Yes you did. I will let you three be and will be back with some small things to sign." The nurse said whilst leaving. Mugs got off the bed but I didn't. I was still tearing up, using my hand to wipe the tears away. My eyes were blurry from the tears, but one of them got me a tissue. My left arm was just laying there because it was sore from the injection. I could now see better, even though my eyes were still teary. They helped me get off the bed, trying to be careful of my arm. I looked at Mugs and gave him a hug, but I didn't want Cuphead to be left out on this. I hugged him afterwards too. "Th-that's the m-most I've cried in a while. Th-thanks.". "Hey it's no problem, Janelle. And you probably won't have to work tomorrow either because of the affects." Cuphead told me. I just nodded at him, because if I talked anymore, it wouldn't come out right. The nurse popped open the door and asked us to come to the front desk. We went up to the front desk so I could sign one last thing before we left. I signed that and the nurse reminded us, "Don't forget, you have about 50 minutes left!". We finally left the Urgent Care and tried to get back to the apartment as quickly as we could. I still felt weak from the injection and I was still some what teary eyed. I didn't want my face to be seen by anyone so I held my head low the entire time. A few minutes later, We were back in the apartment. They had me change into different clothes (again didn't look like it'd fit them) and had me sit on the couch. Daisy had no clue why the brothers were running around but I think he'll get it in 15 minutes. Cuphead put a clean garbage can by my feet and a cold wet rag. Mugs had made some tea and gave me back the pillow and blanket from the night before. Once they were done runnin' around, they sat down in the living room. Cuphead turned on the TV and started watching Family Guy once again. A few minutes after watching that, I started to get a headache.

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