Waiting for Mugman

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I did want to try and fall asleep, but I knew it wasn't going to happen. "I already know I'm not going to really sleep so might as well stay in this spot." I said. "So, uh... how is it exactly working at the casino?" I asked. "It really isn't bad at all. We do get some death glares every now and then, but I think they've gotten used to us. ~Yo this dude sitting next to me is making me feel uncomfortable. He is an upper class dude and he is on his phone the entire time in this class. His paper is still blank, while everyone else is done or close to being done. He just turned so his back is against the wall and I have chills down my back.~ I'm pretty sure you've met everyone there, except for the Tipsy Troop because they're almost never in that room." Cuphead answered. "I see. I'm not used to seeing people with... objects for heads. Everyone back home looks like a normal human. And seeing all of you guys just scared me so bad but I'm honestly fine now." I explained. "Well, ya got to meet and see some of us now. That'd be a nice story to tell." Cuphead said. "But do you want to know something? No one will believe me unless I get them here myself. Nobody's gonna believe I met the Devil or King Dice or two Cup Brothers. And a bunch of other people like the dude that freaks me out... Mangosteen!" I explained. "Well he is just a floating 8-ball. He confused us mostly, but we've gotten used to him." Cuphead said. My eyes widened at what had come to my head. I may have gasped really loud too. "The fuck just happened?" Cuphead asked, with a confused expression. ~Caitlin... you made a grave mistake~ "I don't think you want to know. Even if I wanted to show you I can't because YOUTUBE DON'T WORK HERE!" I told him. "Okay! Can you at least explain it then?" He asked. I sighed and said, "The door can see into your mind! THE DOOR CAN SEE INTO YOUR SOOUUL!".  I tried to hide my laughter but it didn't work. They both looked confused. I said again, "Man there is nothing to do! Oh my god I am so bored! AAAAHHH! So yea your face is pretty sooft... we need to get out of here." ~Thanks Caitlin. I rediscovered Marshmallow People AND Charlie the Unicorn~ They seemed so so so confused. After all my laughing, Cuphead patted my shoulder and said, "You need to go to sleep. I don't know what just happened, but I think you've gone crazy.". I looked at him and agreed with him, "You have reached my full extent man. No one else here has. You're still one of the lucky ones. And I am tired." Daisy didn't seem to like this 'new' attitude of mine so he looked terrified and confused. "Well why don't ya lay down and try to sleep. You're scaring Daisy." Cuphead said. "I can see that." I said as I patted Daisy's head. I went and tried to lay down but a few seconds in I had gotten that feeling. The feeling when it's hard to swallow and it feels like nothing will stay down. I immediately sat back up and said, "Yea, no that's not gonna work out here". "Well it was worth a shot," Cuphead said. I sat up next to him. Daisy was still in a state of small shock so I told him, "Sorry little dude. That just randomly came to my head and... yea." He went and shook my hand. I guess that was acceptance? I've never shook hands with a little flower dude before.

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