Leaving the Hospital

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"I should really say that we can't go back to the apartment after this. I may have agreed to have you go over to the casino once you were able to leave." Mugman said. "I'm fine with that." I told him. "Are you crazy?! She needs to relax after that incident. It happened yesterday, for gods sake! She has no arm strength at all, can hardly walk, and now will have to deal with everyone at the casino!" Cuphead exclaimed. "If they see Janelle hurt, they'll obviously be careful around her. I bet they'll just talk to her a lot and ask to join in the celebration or something." Mugs said. Cuphead looked at me then back at him. He sighed and said, "Fine. But if she is either crying or uncomfortable, we're going home.". "Deal." Mugs replied.   The nurse came back in about 10 minutes later. She felt around the cast to see if it was dry and told me, "It's pretty dry. Let me check your hand.". She came over to my hand and checked it again. "It is healing quite nicely. You might have to change the bandage every few hours." She told us. She re-applied a bandage and took the IV out. "I have something for you." She said. She pulled out some crutches. "Yippee." I said, quietly. "It's not as terrible as you think. I'll show you how to use them and adjust them, if you need it." She reassured me. I sighed and said, "Okay, let's get this over with.". She came over to me and asked, "How tall are you?". "Last I checked, 5'4." I answered. She nodded and adjusted the crutches slightly. She held the crutches in front of me and helped me up. She repositioned my arms and told me, "You're gonna put the crutches in front first then take a step. Go on and try it.". I went for it and actually did it. "There you go. I'll be back with the release papers then you can leave. Mugman could you sign them?" She asked him. They both left. The others looked at me, happily. "I hate this. I hate this so much, please help me. I don't know how I'm doing this with my arms like this." I told them. Cuphead came up to me and said, "Don't worry. You'll get the hang of it. We all were surprised when you did that.". "I know, so was I. My arms hurt so bad, I don't know if I can do this." I told him, tears in my voice. "I assure you, everything will be fine." He told me. "I'm not so sure-," I was interrupted by him putting his hand on my shoulder. He took one step closer to me and told me, "Everything will be fine. Trust me.". We both leaned in to kiss. I didn't expect to like him this much. We both pulled away as soon as Mugman walked back in. "Well, you're fine to leave. Let's go." He told us. He grabbed Daisy and had me go first. I started to go out and it was slowly but surely. We had to take the elevator and the nurse reminded us to change the bandages on my hand. Once we left the hospital I said, "I didn't realize we were so close to the casino. I haven't been outside in forever.". "Neither have I. Let's get to the casino." Cuphead said. We headed on our (fast) journey to the casino, AGAIN! When we got into Inkwell Hell, I needed help up the stairs. The two helped me up the stairs and opened the door for me. Everyone was very happy to see me, once I walked in. 

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