Races and Crashing

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"You'll start going once that pace car starts going." Dice said. "Obviously." I said. The pace car started to go, so I followed at a speed of 70 mph. "The speed will increase every pace lap. Then once the pace car goes in, once you cross that start/finish line, Just go." Mugman said. "Hey ya wanna know something?" I asked. Mugs replied, "Sure.". "I know." I said. He just sighed and said nothing. "I should expect this by now." Mugs said. "Ya really should, dude. I know most of this stuff." I told him. The pace car seemed to get faster, so I sped up. "Oh shit. It's already goin' in." I said, surprised. "Yea, get ready." Cuphead said. The pace car went in and once I crossed that line, I went for it. I focused mainly on trying not to crash. I was going 145 mph. The first few laps went by fast. "Forkington doesn't seem to be tryin' anything. Is everything running fine?" Cuphead asked. "Yea, everything is fine. I just got passed by someone, who was it?" I asked. "I don't know, but it isn't Fork dude." He replied. "Good." I replied. I took at glance at the rear view mirror. I knew Fork guy was behind me. He got unbelievably close to my rear wing. "Holy shit! What the fuck man!?!" I exclaimed. "He has to get a penalty from that!" Someone exclaimed. I waited to hear if he got one or not. A lap or two later I heard, "What the hell! He got nothing out of that!". "Are you fuckin' serious!? That is not fair at all! If this was Indycar, he'd get a penalty real quick!" I said. "Let's just focus here. You're in second and have to pass... Forkington?!" I heard. "No fuckin' way!" I said. "Yea! It's Lap 9/15. You have time!" Someone exclaimed. I quickly went over to pass him and I did. "Yes! Now we really have to keep an eye on him. He must be furious as of now." Cuphead said.   It was the last lap. "Come on! You can do it, Janelle!" Someone cheered me on. I think Forkington had had enough of me. I was on the final straightaway and he tried to "pass" me. But what he did I will never forget. He purposely crashed into me a few seconds before I crossed the finish line. It was a hard crash and I couldn't process what just happened. I slid over to the other side of the track. I was really dizzy and didn't hear much from the radio. The car finally stopped and I saw another car or two in front of me. I found out I was backwards. I saw some people running towards us. Someone flipped my visor up and asked, "Janelle are you okay? Can you hear me?". It was Cuphead. I faintly shook my head. "It was a really hard crash. Don't worry, we'll get ya out of here soon." He said. I slowly nodded. He got someone to help us. I think it was parametics. I couldn't tell because I was so dizzy. They got me out of the car and lied me against the car. Someone took my helmet off and the head sock. It was so bright outside. "Can you hear me? Are you okay?" Is what they kept asking. I didn't respond. They then decided to lift me up onto a stretcher. I kept hearing people talk to me, but I heard none of it. I was conscious for at least 5 minutes after that crash. I then fell unconscious.

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