The Gender

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I sighed in relief. "Did that feel better?" Cuphead asked while looking down at me. "Very. I just want to sleep right now." I told him. "Would you want to sleep in my room tonight? It's a lot more comfortable than the couch." He offered. I looked at him with a dreary look. "I'd like that." I said, quietly. "Here, I'll help you over there." He helped me sit up and got up himself. He turned off the TV and the kitchen light. He went over to his room and turned on his light. He came back out here to turn off the other light and help me. He grabbed the blanket, wrapped it around me and helped me up. He flicked the light switch and walked me over to his room. ~I think I typed in light way too many times for comfort~. He pulled back the blanket on his bed and lied me down. "Don't freak out when I take my head off again. We kind of have to so the stuff in our heads don't spill out." He told me. "I've seen it once, I think I'll be fine." I responded. "Yo, I can't lay on my back now, I'm sad.". "I've always seen you lay on your side, so I think you're fine." He replied, while lying some blankets down next to his bed. "Hey, if I'm not awake by 9, wake me up. I'll do the same for you." I said. "What if we're both not awake by then?" He asked. "I'm sure one of them will wake us up." I responded. "Oh right. Also, if you don't want Julia to know about this, she shouldn't go with us tomorrow." He told me. "Yea, she'll be fine here if she's alone. She might take over the kitchen, just warning you." I warned him. "What's that supposed to mean?" He asked. "She loves cooking and baking, is what I mean." I responded. He nodded. I started to close my eyes and sleep. Cuphead turned off the light and I heard his head being set on the beside table (or dresser, I don't know). He really didn't have to go all out to make sure I was comfortable for this night.  During the night, I got up at least 3 or 4 times to go to the bathroom. It was so annoying and incessant. I got up a final time at 6 am to go once again. I just decided to not sleep anymore. When I walked back in the room, I sat up in the bed because I was still cold. I looked over and saw that Cuphead's eyes were slightly open. "How long have you been up?" He asked, drearily. "I've been in and out of here all night, and I'm done trying to sleep. I got a solid 4 hours I think." I told him. I then heard a sort of stomping sound. I knew what it was. "The fuck is that?" Cuphead questioned. "That's just Julia doin' her exercises in the Living room. Get used to it. It's annoying, I know." I told him. Daisy suddenly ran in here and jumped up on the bed. He seemed afraid and confused. "What's the problem, man?" Cuphead asked him. I saw Cuphead's body get up and grab his head to put it back on. "Okay, it's just the lone body that freaks me out here." I said. He shrugged. Daisy tried to get my attention by pulling on my shirt and pointing to the door. "What's scaring you so much?" I asked. Daisy suddenly hugged me. I looked over at Cuphead and just shrugged with the most confused face. "I think he realized..." Cuphead pointed to Daisy with a smirk. I looked down at him and saw how wide his eyes were. "Yea, I have to deal with this now. Did he realize I have a child inside me?" I chuckled. He pulled back and looked at me so shocked. "He does now." Cuphead replied. I laughed nervously. Daisy pointed to my large stomach and had an expression like "You serious?". I nodded at him. He fell backwards onto my legs. Cuphead and I laughed at him. After Daisy was done with his over reacting, he jumped off the bed and wanted me to follow him. I tried to get up, but it didn't work. "Help me, woman." I said. "Woman?" Cuphead asked while getting up. "I just say whatever come to my head." I told him. He helped me up and we both followed Daisy. Daisy pointed down the hallway and I went out first. Cuphead stay by the door while Daisy gripped onto my leg as I walked up to the Living room, slowly. I turned the corner and saw Julia sitting on the chair with the kittens and Cala. Daisy pointed to her. I looked back and forth at them and asked, "Really? You were afraid of nothing, Daisy!?". He looked up at me confused. "What happened?" Julia asked. Daisy ran back over to Cuphead and gripped onto his leg as well. "I don't know anymore." I replied. "Have you named these cats at all?" She asked. "Yea. The one on your lap is Cala Maria. The one on her face is Mojo Jojo. The one on her stomach is Bubbles and the other is Steve." I told her. "Steve is now Gremlin." She replied while giving me the "why the fuck did you choose that name" look. Cuphead walked up to me while carrying Daisy. Daisy buried his face in his shoulder. "Seriously, what is so scary about Julia?" I asked him. "I don't think he expected me here." Julia replied. Daisy shook his head. "You didn't expect me here either. I mean, she can be a bit terrifying at times. Trust me, I lived with her for 15 years." I told him. He looked up at me confused. "Oh right. That be my older sister, Julia." I told him. Cuphead set him down and he started to walk slowly towards Julia. "He's like a child that doesn't talk. Imagine we're in Tennessee or somethin'." I told her. She watched him slowly make his way towards her. "It's like a cat. Where'd you find this little dude?" She asked. "He found us actually. He came in through Mugman's window and he refuses to go outside." Cuphead told her. Daisy went up far enough for her to shake his hand. It was a little funny the way they shook hands. He immediately pulled away and ran back to me and Cuphead. Cuphead picked him up and took him to his room. I sat down on the couch and asked, "Never thought I'd see a sphynx before. What do ya think of them?". "They're just so squishy and wrinkly!" She responded. "Also, Cuphead and I have to leave in an hour of two. I'm sure you'll be fine here with Mugs." I told her. "Where to?" She asked. "He invited me to go see this race track a few block away with him. Mugman said he'd stay here." I lied. She nodded and responded, "Great, I get to know this dude that wouldn't stop writing in a notebook last night." "Sorry about that!" Mugman yelled out. Cuphead came back out with a different change of clothes. He motioned for me to go over to him, so I did. "She told me that we could be there an hour or two earlier because it isn't so busy today." He whispered. I nodded and replied, "Okay, I'll get ready then we can leave. Is Mugman awake? I told Julia he was going to stay back here.". "I'll go check." He went into Mugs' room and I went to get a change of clothes. I grabbed the clothes and went into the bathroom. When I came out I was pulled into Mugman's room. "What's the big deal?" I asked. "He's just a tad bit upset that he can't go with us." Cuphead told me. "No, I'm not. I just want to know why you don't want to tell your own sister about this child?" Mugs asked. I sighed and responded, "I just don't want her to tell everyone else back home. I'd like for everything that happened here, stay here.". "Why don't you just tell her that?" He asked. "I just don't want her to know!" I blurted out. They both looked at me with concerned expressions. "I understand. Tell me the gender, if you two know, once you get back." Mugman said. "Will do." Cuphead told him. Cuphead lead me out of his room and grabbed his notebook and pencil. I grabbed my purse and we left for the appointment.    Once we were inside, I was handed a clipboard for me to fill out. I sat back down next to Cuphead and filled it out. When I was done, I handed it back to the front desk. "What are ya hoping for?" Cuphead asked me. "I'll be fine with either, but I kind of want a girl." I told him. "Same here." He responded. I was then called up BY THAT SAME NURSE!! WHAT THE FUCK!?! Cuphead helped me up and I made my way over to her. "I see you're here for an ultrasound. Are you pregnant?" She asked. "Yea, I am. We also don't know what the gender is." I told her. "Well follow me then." She lead us to the ultrasound room and had me lie down on the bed. It was very dim in that room, but I liked it. Cuphead stood beside me and held my hand. "Could you lift your shirt up so I can do this?" She asked me. "Oh right." I slid my shirt up to reveal my enlarged stomach. "Jesus that thing is huge." I whispered. ~That's what she said~. Cuphead laughed and so did the nurse. She squeezed this blue-ish gel on my stomach and, boy was that cold as fuck. "Dear god that is cold!" I exclaimed. The nurse chuckled and started to move the probe around my stomach. "It's even more cold." I whispered. I looked over at the monitor and saw that little human inside of me. I started to smile and so did Cuphead. "Is this the first time you're seeing the baby?" She asked. "Yea, it is." Cuphead responded. "What's your first impressions of it?" She asked us. "It's astonishing and unbelievable." Cuphead replied. They both looked down at me. "It's terrifying." I replied. "I know how you feel." She replied. "Did you want to know the gender, or do you want it to be a surprise?". "I'm fine with knowing it if Janelle is." Cuphead responded. They both looked down at me again. "Go ahead." I told her. She smiled and searched around my stomach. "It'll take a second to confirm the gender." She told us. Cuphead and I waited anxiously. He actually started to tap his fingers on my hand. I looked over at him and he stopped. "Sorry, I'm just eager to know." He told me. "Well, you don't have to wait any longer. This little human inside of you would be considered a baby girl." She told us with a smile. My smile widened by a landslide and so did Cuphead's. I actually started to shake a bit. She took the probe off and wiped down my stomach with a tissue. "You two can wait in the room directly across from this one." She told us. She opened the door and left. Cuphead helped me up and walked me over to the room. The door had been opened by the nurse. We sat in there so happy.

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