Chapter 1

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Stormstar brushed through the long grass beneath the trees and drank in the warm scents of prey. Sunlight sliced between branches, casting dapples onto her gray-blue colored pelt. For a moment she paused, unsure of whether to stop and retreat deeper into her clan's territory, or to continue onward. A few seconds later Stormstar began walking again with sure footed paw steps. Her thick tail swayed in the gentle breeze and a half smile formed on her lips, her mouth curled back slightly which revealed gleaming fangs.

Her front paws met sand; it was the border between the clan boundaries. Her own clan, Ravenclan, controlled the forests. The neighboring clan, Seaclan, owned the beaches. Stormstar scowled at the white blazing sand. Her claws unsheathed and dug into the soft ground.

Her blue eyes flicked over towards a boulder and she bunched her muscles, preparing to spring. She leaped towards it, revealing the strength in her haunches. She smirked to herself, pleased that she still had her sense of balance despite her increasing age. None the less she was still young and strong.

A gust of wind buffeted her fur and she dug her claws into the stone, she braced herself and faced her clan mates. They looked up at her eagerly with the prospect of battle itching in their pelts. Excitement swam in their eyes and anger only fueled them with more energy.

"Today," she began fiercely, "Seaclan will fall."

Cheers erupted around her, she held up her tail calmly and the warriors became silent at her command. Stormstar continued speaking, or ranting really.

"The leader before me was weak. He foolishly let Seaclan gain power over us. But no more shall they torment us, no more shall they steal from us!" Stormstar shouted.

"I will lead this clan to prosperity once more," she mewed triumphantly. Then she flicked her ears and bounded gracefully off of the boulder. The warriors gathered around her in subtle anticipation. She lowered her silver head to discuss the battle plan.

"I want a decoy patrol of no more than five. It will be enough to cause a diversion, but we will still have the upper hand with more warriors," she stated smoothly. Her deputy Shadelight organized the decoy patrol with a mix of older and younger warriors. She nodded at her approvingly.

"Okay, the decoy patrol will come in from the South and launch a false attack. Once the Seaclan warriors are completely occupied, four more patrols of three will come in from other directions and capture sections of their camp. Then a second wave will come in to ensure victory," she announced. Everyone agreed with the battle plan fervently.

"Brackenfoot, Willowpelt, Starlingheart," Stormstar addressed several warriors, "you will capture the nursery."

"Mousewhisker, Voletail, and Ashstripe will take the elders den. Kestrelspot, Applefur, and Whitedawn will take the apprentices and medicine cats. Lastly, my patrol and Shadelight's will combine to attack the warriors," she declared. Immediately the warriors assembled themselves and prepared to launch their attack. Stormstar signaled with her tail for the decoy patrol the set out. They left with a blatant war cry and drew the attention of the Seaclan warriors. Stormstar noted smugly as the warriors were quickly surrounded by victorious Seaclan cats. Seaclan was oblivious to the oncoming storm.

Then she motioned for the other patrols to capture their assigned sections. The cats stealthily stalked across the sand. Stormstar's belly fur brushed against shells as she led her cats closer and closer to the camp.

The salty air burned her eyes and made her pink nose crack but she persisted onward. Then she was surging forward with her own cats hot on her tail. They emerged into the camp and wasted no time in surrounding the chaotic warriors. She could see shock and surprise etched onto their faces. However, they quickly regained their bearings and began to fight back. Her canines met flesh and she heard a howl of pain, but she only bit down harder. Eventually she released the writhing cat and a trail of crimson stained her lips. She licked the blood away before launching herself back into the fray. Stormstar lurched around and scratched at any cat near her. Her fangs grabbed at someone's scruff and she violently shook them.

Book 1: Stormstar's PromiseWhere stories live. Discover now