Chapter 10

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Stormheart found herself lingering near the nursery almost as much as Gorsefoot did. For whatever reason the clan seemed to be taking more notice to her, she was once again in their favor, as well as Nightstars. It would only be a matter of time before Nightstars age and sickness progressed, it would only be a matter of time before he passed on and Pebblestep became leader. Then Stormheart would be back to square one.

"I have to get an apprentice soon. Then I can trick Nightstar into changing me to his deputy." Stormheart thought decisively.

However each day Pebblestep grew more and more suspicious that Stormheart was plotting to become deputy.

Stormheart sat in the center of camp with a group of warrior, all of them debating whether or not to head to the rock fields to hunt of to the Seaclan border. Because of the high tensions with Seaclan they decided to play it safe and head to the rock fields. As Stormheart exited camp at the head of the patrol she could feel Pebblestep's piercing stare on her back. She did her best to ignore the icy feeling creeping over her and she guided the patrol with her head held high, as if nothing was bothering her.

Stay out of my way Pebblestep, she silently threatened. I will have no moral issue with getting rid of you as well.

The omen which she had seen several moon ago seemed as far from her now as the moon, she convinced herself it was only a dream or her imagination playing tricks on her. She didn't believe herself, but she wouldn't let anything get in the way of her quest to power.

"A long time ago I made a promise," she whispered to herself. "I promised to protect my sister at all costs. What better way to do that than by becoming leader to ensure her safety?"

The excuse rang hollow in her ears.


Stormheart carried the plump thrush back to camp, eager to share her catch with Shadelight. However the instant she entered the Ravenclan camp Nightstars coughing filled her ears. She dropped the prey on the fresh kill pile and hurried to her fathers den. Her was sitting next to the medicine cat, arguing about being forced to eat all of the herbs the medicine cat had at his paws.

Stormheart dipped her head respectfully, however her eyes glinted with malice. Nightstar looked at her and seemed relieved to have an excuse to change the subject from herbs.

"Stormheart, is there anything I can help you wi-" Nightstars words were cut short by a ragged coughing fit.

" came by to ask about Honeykits apprentice ceremony. But it can wait, if you are feeling ill." Stormheart mewed, fake concern filled her voice. She realized she was over playing it as Nightstar glanced at her suspiciously. She gulped quietly and the wary look left Nightstars gaze.

"Yes I suppose it is about time for Honeykits ceremony. Go tell Scarlet and I will assemble the clan." Nightstar said dismissively.

"Wait, does this, uh, mean I will be Honeykit's mentor?" Stormheart asked. Nightstar shrugged, almost bored with the topic.

"I guess you can mentor Honeykit."

"Good. I'll go tell Scarlet. Wait...there is one more thing. Will Scarlet's biological kit, Felicity, get a mentor?" Stormheart pried.

"That is something you will have to discuss with Scarlet." Nightstar said with a note of finality, he turned back to the medicine cat and conceded to eating the herbs. Stormheart exited his den and stopped herself from bounding over to the nursery. She couldn't quite contain all of her excitement and instead let out a squeal of delight as she entered the nursery. Scarlet smiled knowingly at Stormheart. Over the moons she had grown accustomed to clan ways and figured it was about time for Honeykits ceremony.

Book 1: Stormstar's PromiseWhere stories live. Discover now