Chapter 6

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The rain fell quietly; the sky was a mere gray sheet. All heads were bowed as the clan mourned Lilytail's disappearance. Stormpaw's head was angled upwards however, her eyes closed as a smile formed on her muzzle. No one seemed to notice as her and Shadepaw crept from camp with triumph in their strides.

The clan simply assumed Lilytail had either gotten killed by a fox or badger, or left the clan to become a kittypet. No suspicion of foul play and murder crossed anyone's mind.

"Tonight is the gathering," Stormpaw commented idly to Shadepaw as they calmly roamed the forest together, discussing their next move to power. The rain began to cling to Stormpaw's pelt, dampening it and making the silver fur a dark gray.

"Do you think Nightstar will let us attend?" Shadepaw mewed and glanced at her sister, awaiting her response. Stormpaw snorted.

"He has little say in the matter. I'm going whether he likes it or not," Stormpaw sniffed and lashed her tail. Shadepaw nodded and made no further comments on the subject. After a few more moments of Silence Stormpaw spoke up again.

"I have a plan to get rid of Larkflight," she announced abruptly. Shadepaw smiled despite herself and listened to the plan eagerly.

"We will start a war between Seaclan and Ravenclan; we can pit them against each other easily. The tensions are already high, especially now that we killed one of their apprentices," Stormpaw began; her blue eyes glinted with malice. "During the battle it will be easy to simply get rid of Larkflight. Nightstar will feel the clan has been weakened by the loss of a warrior, and he won't hesitate to crown us as new warriors to replace Larkflight."

"From there we can get apprentices, you can become deputy, and then leader." Shadepaw added.

"All of the pieces are starting to fall into place." Stormpaw agreed. The two apprentices then sauntered back to camp with the new plan fresh in their minds. They entered the camp in the back so no one would notice them. Cats were just beginning to disperse from their silent circle of mourning when they returned.

Nightstar leaped onto the great tree to make an announcement. His eyes were soft as he looked down upon the clan.

"It is unfortunate that we have lost one of our warriors today, however we must attend the gathering with raised chins. We mustn't appear weak; Seaclan has been threatening our borders more often. There shall be no mention of Lilytail," Nightstar instructed his once gentle gaze had hardened into the features of a stony leader. Then he began to list off the cats that were to attend the gathering, he completely skipped the apprentices, meaning Shadepaw and Stormpaw were not to go.

Stormpaw bristled and raised her voice, interrupting Nightstar.

"Why can't Shadepaw and I go?" she demanded, a growl was in her voice. Nightstar paused and stared at her. There was no feeling behind his eyes.

"You both failed to become warriors, so you won't attend the gathering this moon. If you keep up with your training under Willowvine's watch I might consider allowing you to attend next moon." Nightstar stated simply and jumped down form the tree. He flicked his tail; motioning for the cats he had called to follow him to the gathering.

Stormpaw narrowed her eyes in anger, without hesitation she marched into the apprentice den with Shadepaw in tow.

"We will wait a few minutes before we follow after them," Stormpaw explained. Then she revealed a hole in the back of the bramble den, an escape route. Stormpaw stared out of the hole while counting the seconds. Then she slunk out with Shadepaw behind her. The rain had washed away all of the scents and tracks of the clan, however Stormpaw new how to find the gathering.

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