Chapter 11

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Nightstars sickness got progressively worse, everyone suspected the early stages of green cough. His ragged coughing could be heard through out camp almost non stop, his black fur which once shone sleekly was now knotted and disheveled. Nightstar managed to down several mouthfuls of cat mint so he was well enough to attend the gathering without appearing weak, but there was no secret that Nightstar was on his last life. He was old and frail, Stormheart could sense the other clans suspected Pebblestep would become leader of Ravenclan within the next moon. The black furred leader had almost permanently retired to his den where the medicine cat spent her hours creating concoctions to try and cure his ailments.

Nothing was working.

Stormheart couldn't be happier.

"Just a few more days." she whispered to herself. Just a few days until Honeypaw and Autumnpaw become warriors. Then I can convince Nightstar too appoint me as his deputy.

Several moons had gone by since Stormheart had gotten her first apprentice, and Honeypaw was progressing incredibly quickly as well. Her hunting skills were top notch. She could sent a sparrow from across the rock fields and could stalk a rabbit for hours so not only would she catch it, but so she could learn its habits to catch others in the future. Honeypaw was also maturing, becoming solemn and wise in her own way, however there was still plenty of energy in her. Stormheart only concern was in Honeypaws fighting, she was weak. Stormheart liked to blame Honeypaws lack of strength on the fact she nearly died as a kit, but that wasn't the case. Honeypaw simply wasn't a natural born fighter. Her claws were dull, her movements were slow and clumsy. He reactions delayed.

Autumnpaw was quite the opposite. Autumnpaw had absolutely no patience for hunting and the like, she was a ball of spit fire once she got over her shyness. Autumnpaw could master every move Shadelight threw at her within the fortnight. The sisters were polar opposites, but they worked best together. Honeypaws calmness evened out her sisters eagerness. It was like fire and ice, unfortunately it appeared the apprentices had been matched with the wrong mentors.

Stormheart found herself clashing with Honeypaw, saying she should be practicing her fighting techniques instead of doing more hunting patrols. Shadelight was being worn down by Autumnpaws sparring.

"Do you think we can co mentor today again?" Shadelight asked hopefully as her and Stomheart walked side by side on the dawn patrol.

"Co mentoring would certainly be for the best." Stormheart agreed. When the sisters trained their apprentices individually was when they ran into issues. When they co mentored they basically just switched who they were training and all went well. They finished the dawn patrol and fetched their apprentices from the elders den where they were rapt into a fabricated tail about a rabbit who lost his tail.

Stormheart couldn't be bothered with the details, although she vaguely recalled it had something to do with the rabbit having to chew off his own tail after getting stuck in a fence.

Honeypaw and Autumnpaw raced to the sandy cove for practice, their fluffy tails trailed out behind them.

"Today we should work on Honeypaws maneuvering and dodging and Autumnpaws striking." Stormheart instructed her sister, Shadelight nodded in affirmation. Shadelight motioned for Autumnpaw to go work with Stormheart. Honeypaw sighed and went to work with Shadelight on more drills. After nearly an hour of Honeypaw being scolded for her lack of fighting skills Honeypaw let out a yowl of frustration and sprinted out of the Sandy cove. Stormheart watched her apprentice run away, stupefied.

"Wait! Honeypaw wait for me!" Autumnpaw shouted and tore off after her foster sister. Stormheart scowled and followed the two apprentices at a much slower pace.

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