Dork Diaries: Tales From a Not So Fabulous Life

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Because it is hard to find good actors and actresses that are the actual age of the characters, imagine these actors between the ages of 14 and 15 (freshman year).

R O W A N B L A N CH A R D as Nikki Maxwell

 R O W A N   B L A N CH A R D   as Nikki Maxwell

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S O F I A W Y L I E as Zoey Franklin

O L I V I A   R O D R I G O   as Chloe Garcia

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O L I V I A R O D R I G O as Chloe Garcia

C O R E Y   F O G A L M A N I S   as Brandon Roberts

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C O R E Y F O G A L M A N I S as Brandon Roberts

C O R E Y   F O G A L M A N I S   as Brandon Roberts

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E M I L Y S K I N N E R as MacKenzie Hollister

E M I L Y   S K I N N E R   as MacKenzie Hollister

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S K Y L E R W E X L E R as Brianna Maxwell

S K Y L E R   W E X L E R   as Brianna Maxwell

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A M Y A C K E R as Mrs. Maxwell

T O M   E V E R E T T   S C O T T   as Mr

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T O M E V E R E T T S C O T T as Mr. Maxwell

M A C K E N Z I E   Z I E G L E R   as Jessica Hunter

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M A C K E N Z I E Z I E G L E R as Jessica Hunter

J A C K   D Y L A N   G R A Z E R   as Theodore Swagmire III

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J A C K   D Y L A N   G R A Z E R   as Theodore Swagmire III

J A C K   D Y L A N   G R A Z E R   as Theodore Swagmire III

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J O S H U A   B A S S E T T   as Marcus

What do you guys think? You probably noticed that a lot of these actors and actresses are from Disney channel shows, but that is where all the famous teen actors are! I thought it was kinda funny I casted Jessica Hunter (Mackenzie's BFF) as Macken...

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What do you guys think? You probably noticed that a lot of these actors and actresses are from Disney channel shows, but that is where all the famous teen actors are! I thought it was kinda funny I casted Jessica Hunter (Mackenzie's BFF) as Mackenzie Ziegler because Emily Skinner is in a same show with her "Total Eclipse" (on YouTube) where they are enemies.

I really liked casting Rowan Blanchard as Nikki Maxwell because I think she fits the character almost perfectly.

The movie would be based on the first book of the series and may contain some parts of the other books to fill in the missing areas, but other than that, it would be pretty much the same.

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