Back to the Future: V2

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31 | Back to the Future
"Are you telling me you built a
time machine out of a DeLorean?"

~ Marty McFly ~
"Whoa, this is heavy"


F I N N   W O L F H A R D
(16 years old)

F I N N   W O L F H A R D(16 years old)

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~ Emmett "Doc" Brown ~
"Your future is whatever you make it.
So make it a good one!"


T O M   H A N K S

T O M   H A N K S

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~ Lorraine Baines ~
"Well that is your name isn't it? Calvin Klein?"


A L E X I S   B L E D E L
(42 years old)

A L E X I S   B L E D E L(42 years old)

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