ONCE Upon a Time: Part 1

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| ONCE Upon a Time |
"All magic comes with a price"

~ Emma Swan ~
"I'M going to choose to see the best in YOU."

T E R E S A   P A L M E R

T E R E S A   P A L M E R

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~ Snow White/ Mary Margaret ~
"THE MOST powerful thing of all is HOPE."

M E L I S S A   B E N O I S T

M E L I S S A   B E N O I S T

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~ Charming/ David Nolan ~
"LIFE IS made up of moments— good ones, bad ones, but they're all worth LIVING."

C H R I S   W O O D

C H R I S   W O O D

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~ Henry Mills ~
"I'M done reading about heroes; I want to be ONE."

N O A H   S C H N A P P

N O A H   S C H N A P P

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