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            Surprisingly, I wasn't nervous as I pulled up to Kwame's apartment complex in Inglewood. I was slightly worried about the possibility of it being too soon for sex, but those worries went away the moment I saw Kwame sitting on the steps of his apartment section smoking a blunt. He looked so sexy wearing nothing but a pair of black basketball shorts and sandals. I must've been channeling something with him that night because I was dressed similarly, only I had on blue shorts.

            "I guess it's a no shirt kind of night," he said with a smile as he stood up. He was free-balling like me so his dick flopped up and down as he moved towards me. "You wanna hit this blunt?"

            "No thanks," I replied while placing my hand on the growing bulge in his shorts.

            He laughed and asked, "You just ready for some dick, huh?"

            "You know it."

            "Come here with yo sexy ass."

            He put an arm around me and started kissing me. I don't know why but the smell of weed and beer on his breath combined with the freaky way he was kissing me turned me on like nothing had before. He stopped kissing me so that he could finish the blunt and after tossing the end away, he pushed me up against the stair railing and shoved his tongue into my mouth while sliding his hand into my shorts and grabbing my dick. Suddenly, as if he'd forgotten we were still outside, he backed away from me.

            "What's wrong?" I asked.

            "We should take this up to my apartment. I got nosy ass neighbors and shit down here."


            I shrugged off his DL paranoia and followed him up the steps to his apartment. The first thing I noticed once we got inside was the scent of vanilla. He had vanilla scented candles lit all over the living room and there was sensual neo-soul music playing on the stereo in his bedroom. I couldn't believe he'd done all of that. I found myself wondering if he'd done that for anyone else in the past. The place was also spotless. It wasn't a big apartment but it was comfortable, especially for one or two people.

            "I did what I could in the little time I had," he said while closing and locking the front door. "It ain't much but..."

            "Thank you, Kwame," I said as I looked around. "Baby, this is amazing."

            "I wanted to make it a little special because..." He looked down with this cute shy look on his face and continued, "...you know...how I feel about you and everything."

            "Aw, Kwame."

            "I don't usually get like this, E. I'm new to it all, to be honest. I don't light candles and put on this type of music before I fuck...I mean, before I get intimate with somebody. I really like you and you know I want our first time together to be special for you, too. Besides, I know the stakes are high. If I fuck up, I know you got some other nigga ready to take my place."

            I smiled and assured him, "Tonight, I'm all yours."

            "Is that right?"

            He stepped over to me and gently put his forehead to mine before kissing my lips again. I hadn't seen that side of Kwame before and because of that, he was making me feel a way he hadn't prior to that night. There was just something about a guy like him allowing himself to be vulnerable that was simply beautiful. As I followed him into his candlelit bedroom, I told myself that no matter what happened that night I wasn't giving up on him.

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