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            Pride weekend arrived and for the most part, everything went according to plan. Bakari's portable clinic hit its target and even went over the target by getting two hundred and fifty people tested. Of course, there were thousands of people there but given that it's hard to persuade many into getting tested in the first place, the fact that we got more than two hundred was significant. We also handed out condoms and important information before sending those who were homeless to Travis's tent. The program he and his friends operated worked with various shelters around the area to provide temporary housing and other opportunities for displaced LGBTQ youth. I loved that my bosses and Bakari's clinic had no problem providing funds for our Pride initiatives. Without those funds, my friends and I would've had to do it all on our own.

            "You and your friends do this every year?" Zade asked me while handing out condoms to people who wanted them.

            "We try to," I replied. "This year is bigger because my job helped out a lot."

            "It must be cool working for a company that's so accepting of you."

            "Yeah, I'm so grateful for them. There aren't many companies that actually support our causes. Some companies tolerate having gay employees but they don't often participate in events like Pride."

            "I ran out of condoms again," Clyde said while walking up to us. "How much sex do these people plan on having?"

            "A lot," I told him with a laugh. "There may be more in the portable clinic."

            After he headed back towards the clinic, Zade and I continued walking. Zade put his arm around me and said, "Damn, you look sexier in them shorts in person than you do in that banner. That body is a work of art."

            I giggled and told him, "You look sexy, too. What are your plans tonight?"

            "I gotta host a private party for a club tonight."


            "What's wrong?"

            "I was hoping you could spend the night with me."

            "Damn, I can't tonight, baby. I'm sorry."

            "It's okay."

            "We can talk on the phone once I get home if you're still up."

            "Okay, I'll settle for that."

            "Can I get a kiss or are you mad at me?"

            "I'm not mad at you, baby." I kissed him and then held his hand as we finished handing out the condoms in our basket.

            Afterwards, we helped pack everything up and when the sun was starting to set, I had to say goodbye to him because he had other stuff to do before going to the club to host the party he'd mentioned. Me, Kendall, Bakari and Clyde stayed in the downtown area as night began to fall. I absolutely loved hanging out with my friends downtown during Pride. Now that we'd done our important work, it was time for some fun.

            "That mesh tank top is cute, Eli," Bakari said to me as we all sat near a fountain. "I see you got tired of all them snow queens walking up and touching your abs and chest."

            I laughed and said, "That's not why I put the top on. I don't mind getting hit on."

            "Has he always been this popular at Pride?" Clyde asked them about me.

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