Chapter 14

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We all rushed to the kitchen and saw a perfectly set-up table. Kate cooked a whole pot of soup with a chicken, vegetables and fish. It looked amazing. I looked over at Zack and saw him drooling. We all sat down on the chairs and picked up the set of cutlery. Kate poured the soup with all of its ingrediants and everyone stared in awe of the delicious food being placed upon them.

A few seconds of eating the most delicious food of my life, Natsu's bowl was wiped clean while everyone has only drank of few mouthfuls of soup. "Best food of my life!" Natsu stated. We all agreed.

After dinner

"It's getting late, I should be heading home." Gray said. Yes please get your shirtless ass out of my home.

"How about we girls have a sleep over!" Wendy suggested cheerful as ever. The girls nodded. I slightly disagreed as i didn't Rachel sleeping in my home. How about she sleeps on the floor? Yeah that's a good idea. Erza immediately kicked all the boys' asses out of the house and slammed the door on them. I gotta admit it was pretty funny seeing that.

"Hmmmm.... what sould we do? We already did truth or dare," Lucy said.

"How about hide and seek?" Kate said with a cheerful grin plastered on her face.

"Isn't that a little to childish?" Lucy asked.

"Nahhh it's only harder for most of us as we would be exposed to less hiding spots."

"Ok that makes sense."

"BUT! Im adding additional rules, 1. You cannot hide with another person. 2. Once you find a hiding spot, no moving locations! Got it?" Kate explained. Everyone nodded obediently.

"Whose the seeker?" Asked a curious me.

"Sing the alphebet until I say stop!" Said Rachel.


"STOP!!!" Rachel shouted.

"Now what..?" I said.

"The name that starts with that letter or is closest to that letter is the seeker!" Rachel shouted.

"That means...... IM THE SEEKER!!!! MWAHHAHAHAHAH!!" Kate said maniacally.

"Stand in the corner and count, sis," I told her. She obediently did as told.

"1....2..." we all ran and hid. I ran to our room and hid inside our giant box and put books over my body to look like nothing was there. "19....20! Ready or not! Here I come!"

Several doors were heard being opened by the beast that is my sister.

I heard a screm that i think belonged to Wendy. Sooner or later I hear two more. A creaking sound was heard throughout the building. Looks like she had gone to the attic. Everyone heard someone being pulled out a chest of some sort.

A few minutes later, the door of our room was opened. The chest that I had been hiding in was opened as well. Kate and a few more people were diging out the books I was hiding under. "Ha! I we found you!" Yelled Lucy. Everyone had been caught by the beast.

"Nice game," Kate said. "Can i nominate the next seeker?"

"Sure," Rachel said.

"I pick Wendy!" We all turned to Wendy and saw a confident smirk on her face. She turned around and started counting in the corner of the room. We rushed out of the room and decieded to hide one high platforms besides Rachel. Shortie. I ahd on top of the fridge and the rest hid somewhere else. "19... 20! Ready or not, here I come!"

Wendy came rushing out of the bedroom and came into the living room and found Rachel's hiding spot. Under the sofa. "Kya!" Screamed Rachel.

Hey people!! I know this chapter is shorter than usual and I didn't update cause—

Reader: Is it because of gray x reader fanfics?!

Author: M-maybe...

Juvia: LOVE RIVAL!!!!!

Author: umm anyway baiiii


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