Chapter 20

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-Zack's POV-

I couldn't believe what [y/n] had done! It was brutal! How can she look so innocent but knows she was a maniac?! Thoughts kept appearing in my head one after another.

I walked down to the school hall to attend Rani's funeral. Only her friends were required to attend. Rita was crying her eyes out. Gray just kept it in. A butterfly landed on Gray's shoulder. At first he was freaked out but then something like, "Hi Rani!"

Everyone stared at him. "What? It's something my father told me before he moved on. When your dead, you can whatever you want, visit whoever you want! They usually come in a form of butterflies or moths." (It's a fact) He stated. We were all shocked from this knowledge. The butterfly soon landed on my head. I was told not to move but I couldn't resist.

It kept flying around the room joyfully. Rani got a couple of screams out of it. She then landed on her own portrait. The photo showed her smiling happily.

We then had to do our prayers... the boring part.

-after their prayers-
-Kate's POV-

I rushed to the canteen as I was hungry. All I had for breakfast was a piece of bread. I couldn't wait to eat some food! I ordered my usual, sat down at a random seat and ate like a mad woman without a care in life.

Some people just stared. I didn't mind it. The only thing important to me right now is my food.

-after school-

I walked home wearily, thanks to P.E. Without knowing, I tripped on a stone but was caught by none other than Taehyung. "Be more careful next time. By the way, wanna hang out tomorrow? 3:00 pm?" He asked."There's a place I want to bring you."

"Sure, I'm free." I accepted gleefully. I've been thinking about Taehyung ever since I met him. My heart belated faster and faster when I thought about him. My chest would suddenly hurt but... when I searched it up, it said it was love! (Facts again. Fell for this with an anime character before and during class I daydream abo- OKAY TOO MUCH INFO) I've never felt like this when I dated Ian. So I was happy he offered me on a potential date.

Hi guys sorry for the short chapter I just have nothing on my mind :/ I can't concentrate that well ever since... well put it this way. An anime character, THAT IS NOT ZACK, stole my heart.

Please forgive me for this short chapter anyway, see you!

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