Murder in the school...?!

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-Kate's POV-

"Well... dad died!" [Y/n] exclaimed. For some reason, in joy.

"Why are you so... happy?" I questioned.

"It means... no more abusing for you! And less work for me!" What did she mean...? 'Less work for me...' that sentence repeated in my head dozens of times on the way to school.

Without knowing, I bumped into Teahyung. "Are you okay?" His soothing voice asked- WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING?!!?!

"Yeah," I replied. He helped me up without me asking, what a kind man. "Where are you going?"

"To somewhere."

"To where?" I started getting annoyed.

"You don't need to know," Taehyung told me and walked off in a rush. I continued back to what I was doing before bumping into him.

Without even knowing, I had already reached school! I saw [Y/n] talking to Rani about baking cupcakes in the weekends. I was so looking forward to eating those tasty treats.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder. "H-help...!" Before I knew it, I heard a thud. I turned around and saw the person lying on the ground with a pool of blood surrounding them. Everyone turned around.

Everyone was scared stiff.

-[y/n]'s POV-

I looked at Rani. She had a face that expressed sadness, anger and fear.

"Everyone report to the hall!" A voice, that belonged to the principal, announced. All I saw was students dashing in halls screaming their heads off.

As soon as we reported to the hall, the principle said, "no one is leaving until we find the murderer! We will be sending a group of students and teachers to check the place out. Only trusted people will go."

The vice-principal then took her turn to speak. "The pupils we have selected are [y/n], Kate, Issac (Zack), Gray, Rani, Natsu, Lucy, Wendy, Romeo and Erza. The pupils who have been called please meet me backstage."

We went up the stage and went backstage and saw our vice-principal. "The pairs are [y/n] and Zack, Rani and Gray, Natsu and Lucy, Wendy and Romeo, Erza and Kate. The equipment required is right behind me. Take whatever you need."

"Yes ma'am!" We shouted at once. We looked inside the box filled to the brim with tools. We took what we needed and went out into a world of darkness.

We split up in our pairs and bade a farewell to each other if it was the last time we'd see everyone. I had to admit, no matter how scared I was, Zack made me feel like there was no issue in the school.

The silence was scaring me. Zack saw my frightened face and pulled me into a warm embrace. I was shocked at first but returned the warmth. "It's going to be fine," Zack told me in a reassuring tone. I trusted him.

"Ich liebe dich," were the last words I heard before I felt weak. I fell onto the hard floor as I felt my consciousness left me.

-Zack's POV-

[y/n] fell onto the ground so I did what was needed for me to do and picked her up. I felt around for her. To my dismay, they only provided one flashlight per team. And [y/n] had the flashlight. I managed to find it and turned it on. I looked around to see no one.

What in the actual fuck? I thought.

-Rani's POV-

I was running away from what I think is a monster. Me and Gray somehow got separated. I have a feeling I'm being lead towards a death trap.

Something touched me. A chill ran down my spine. "Quiet girl..." I then fainted.

-a few hours later-

I woke up tied to a chair. "Mhhhmmm!!" Was all that came out of my mouth as it had been covered with a piece of cloth.

"Hello, herrscher of ice." A man greeted me. What did he mean? I'm only a dragon slayer, not a her- what?

The cloth was then removed from my face. Without feeling it, I was injected with a needle that contained purple liquid. "Let me go!" Were my last words before I fell asleep.

-Kate's POV-

I was tied to a wall while they drew the star of... David?! They did a few rituals before I was knocked out.

-Gray's POV-

I was searching all over for Rani. "Rani! Where are you?!" I yelled repeatedly. Silence was the only thing that could be heard before I bumped into Zack. "Where's Rani?" He asked worried.

"She's disappeared..." I replied on the verge of tears.

"Same thing happened to me with [y/n]," Zack told me."How about we stick together since we can't find our partners?"

"Good idea," I agreed. We walked side by side until we heard a cry for help. Wendy rushed towards us.

"Help! Romeo's missing!" She cried.

Hi peeps! Decided to add some horror. Sorry if it was short but, thank you for 2k reads! Love you all so much!

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