"Wow this place is giant." Taehyung said with his jaw hung open in utter amazement at the some what small apartment.Jimin nodded in agreement holding onto Taehyung with Jin knowing the pup was ready to run wild and explore.
Jungkook chuckled lightly before saying "You can look around as much as you want." Which made Taehyung jump in excitement dragging Jimin and Jin ,who already knew the apartment, with him.
This left Jungkook, Namjoon and Yoongi to all go and sit in the living room where they talked about what had just happened and Yoongi's intervention.
"I really can't believe you did that Yoongi hyung that was so cool." Jungkook said in awe of the older.
Namjoon agreed chiming in "That man really pissed me off the first and second time I met him but I couldn't say anything. Thank god third times the charm."
Yoongi smiled replying "Don't worry he'll be losing his job and those hybrids will be away from him soon in a proper facility. I'm guessing you filed a complaint?"
Yoongi looked to Namjoon who nodded saying "I placed a complaint both times but they never went higher and by the point you knew about Jin it had already been longer than the set time for complaints."
Yoongi nodded in acknowledgment that he was going to really have to talk to Hoseok about the lower sections of his side company, the man seemed like a sunshine but Yoongi knew he was perfectly fine in whipping his staff into shape - it was a cause he really cared about which is why Yoongi had supported him so much along the way.
"Still hyungs what both of you did was really nice and it'll help those hybrids out big time. I have so much respect for you both." Jungkook said practically fanboying over his hyungs.
They continued the conversation casually with the hyungs praising the maknae too until they heard a loud thud which captured all of their attention.
They ran to where the noise came from and found Jin face first on the floor with a laughing Taehyung rolling next to him and a giggling Jimin poking him.
"W-What happened?" Jungkook said already panicking from the bang let alone Jin laying face first on the floor.
"Jin Hyung fell tripping over Jiminie." Taehyung said through tears of laughter.
"You should watch where your going hyung." Jimin said teasingly as the others remained speechless.
Namjoon sighed knowing how this was going to play out so just sat on the floor on the other side of Jin waiting for what he knew was coming, which he didn't mind - the sigh being more of a having to move thing.
Jin crawled onto Namjoon's lap before digging his face in his shoulder, clinging to him.
"You know Hyung you really do act more like a koala bear." Jungkook commented going over and sitting down too.
Jin mumbled inaudibly then shouted "I'm a bear!" Which made them all laugh.
Namjoon decided to at least attempt to make him feel better so said "Well either way I think your bear-y cute. I tried to play on very and bear but now I'm thinking about it out loud it sounds like berry..."
Jin chuckled at Namjoon's attempt kissing his cheek and saying "You've learned the bear minimum about bad puns, and I love it. There so bad."
Jimin threw himself back on the floor laughing at the jokes as the other tried to contain their disappointment.
Jin smiled at Jimin realising how much he'd missed the boys laugh making him fill with sentiment immediately.
"Thank you Yoongi for taking him in." Jin said nodding towards Jimin then looking at Jungkook and saying "And thank you to you for him."
Both boys nodded with a smile before they all got off the floor.
They were about to leave the room when Jimin tripped up over his own feet flying forward and coincidentally into Yoongi's arms.
"I-I'm so sorry." Jimin said quickly standing up properly moving away from Yoongi who he got veryyyyy close to which for some reason made him blush.
Yoongi assumed he was embarrassed about falling so just said "Try to be careful clumsy." And patted his head which didn't help Jimin's reddening face at all.
They all went downstairs and got to know each other better, exchanging stories and whatnot, before it got really late.
"I guess we should be going now?" Yoongi said feeling bad about separating Jimin from friend - even if it was to take him home.
Jimin looked to Taehyung who's eyes were already watering then back to Yoongi nodding with a sigh.
Jin already knew what Taehyung was thinking so attempted to comfort him by saying "It's okay TaeTae, Jiminie will visit and you'll visit Jiminie and we can all see each other."
Taehyung just hung his head low like a sad puppy and nodded.
Jungkook obviously started to panic at the sad pup but before it got too serious Jimin being the kind kitten he was said "Why don't you tell Jungkookie about all the embarrassing things Jin hyungs done, tonight after we've all gone? That way he can't shout."
He knew the idea of it would cheer Taehyung up because he was a giant tease.
So obviously the hybrid looks up, ears rising and tail swinging in excitement, nodding ecstatically.
"Well then we best say goodbye then before Jin Hyung tries to stop you." Jungkook said getting an approving nod from Yoongi who could tell Jungkook was looking for approval.
Jin was about to interrupt but before he could the pup dived on him and Namjoon hugging them, then jumping on Jimin and Yoongi.
Taehyung ran back to Jungkook's side jumping excitedly and taking his hand pulling it lightly in the direction of the door which is where he said his goodbyes due to basically being stuck.
After that Namjoon and Jin said goodbye going one way leaving Yoongi and Jimin walking in the other.

Hybrid - Yoonmin
FanfictionIn which cat hybrid Jimin gets all the love from his new owner Yoongi who is just as curious about his new kitten as he is him. Does Yoongi even know anything about hybrids? --- --- --- --- --- --- [COMPLETED]