Part 28: Office

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Yoongi had noticed that Jimin was being extra cuddly than normal which he didn't mind one bit but he was wondering why.

Jimin was currently sat on Yoongi's lap in his office at work as Yoongi signed and filed some paper work.

Jimin was staring off into nothing when Yoongi just randomly decided to kiss his cheek.

Jimin blushes still not used to the random bursts of affection from Yoongi but loving them nonetheless, although kisses on the lips seemed a lot more tempting to Jimin but he'd never ask.

"What are you thinking about?" Yoongi asked breaking the comfortable silent with his soft voice, a voice Jimin was noticing was only used for him.

Jimin shrugged not wanting to vocalise his anxieties or thoughts of kissing Yoongi since they were strictly a hybrid and 'the person who cares for him' as Yoongi insisted not liking being called Jimin's owner since he wanted Jimin to have his freedoms.

"Well you've got to be thinking something otherwise you wouldn't have such a big pout now would you?" Yoongi teased nuzzling Jimin's hair lightly.

Jimin giggled at the action before replying "Nothing, my heads empty."

Yoongi chuckled at this so gently knocked on Jimin's head twice, moving closer to his ear and whisper "Hello? Is anyone in their?"

Jimin was a giggling mess and Yoongi pulled away dramatically pulling at his hair.

"I think your right Jiminie. I could've sworn I heard an echo, that or your giggles." Yoongi then said swinging around on his chair.

"What am I supposed to do now then?" Jimin asked through his never ending giggles which Yoongi loved to hear.

Yoongi hummed in thought before saying "You'll just have to stay with Yoongi hyung so he can look after you until you get something in there."

Jimin giggled even more before relying "Then I want an empty head forever hyung if it means I can stay with you."

Yoongi kisses Jimin's head again, ignoring how tempting the boys lips were, before saying "Empty head or not there will always be a place for you with me. Even if you choose you don't want it anymore it'll be there."

Jimin then moved so he could bury his face in Yoongi's neck shyly then mumbled "I will always want it as long as it's there."

Yoongi cuddled him back properly saying "Good." With a slight pout before there was a knock at the door which made them quickly uncling from each other - Yoongi only letting go knowing it made Jimin nervous and shy.

"Yoongi hyung Namjoon needs your help downstairs in his meeting." Jungkook said with his hand clearly holding someone else's who was hidden behind the frame.

Yoongi nodded standing up and saying "Go play with Tae and Jin." To Jimin before leaving.

Jungkook remained at the door watching Yoongi leave until Jimin broke the silence.

"You gonna play too Kookie?"

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