Part 16: Shower

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After eating Jimin ended up curling up next to Yoongi like a kitten and napping.

Yoongi noticed how many cat like tendencies Jimin had and he knew there would be some but the sheer amount amazed him.

The way his ears and tail reacted to the habits he had all seemed so cute to Yoongi that he just wanted to cuddle Jimin.

He also realised how inexperienced Jimin was with the world.

He didn't even know if he could leave Jimin home alone.

So far he'd practically been with Jimin the whole time so he couldn't help but worry about how he'd react on his own.

He didn't want to leave Jimin on his own but he had to work.

So he made a decision.

He'd just have to take Jimin to work with him.

He looked down at the sleeping boy then at the time deciding he should probably wake him up so he sleeps tonight.

He thought about how he was going to wake him up debating just yelling his name before deciding he had to be gentle with him, he was basically a mochi.

"Jiminie?" He said softly stroking the boys hair to try and wake him up nicely.

He tried again this time petting behind Jimin's ears which he swore made his heart stop when the boy started purring.

Obviously he'd start to purr, he was half cat.

Yoongi paused for a moment as he facepalmed only to be surprised by Jimin pushing his head into his hand.

Yoongi smiled at the action complying with the affection the boy wanted but was now hesitant to wake him up due to the fact his face was glowing red.

He didn't want to stop since the sound of Jimin's purrs were music to his ears but he also knew he had to wake Jimin up so knew he'd have to go and do a different approach.

Yoongi stopped stroking Jimin's hair, his hand trailing down to his side, then suddenly tickling him.

Jimin shot ip instantly on full alert and looked like was ready to pounce as he held his heart.

"HyungggGggGg~" Jimin said with a small stomp and a cute dramatic pout.

Yoongi smiled before replying "WhattTttTt?" Which made Jimin's pout grow.

"Why'd you wake me up?" Jimin asked sad his dream was interrupted - he could've sworn it was too real and that Yoongi was stroking his head.

Yoongi thought trying to remember but his mind was now completely blank so instead used the excuse "You should have a shower."

Jimin was confused for a moment why that was the reason he was woken up but nodded anyways waddling to his room which had miraculously been cleaned.

Yoongi came in with a towel and threw it on Jimin's bed before leaving again to make some phone calls for work.

Surprisingly to Yoongi Jimin didn't complain about having to go near water so he was pleasantly surprised to say the least.

Yoongi had expected there to be a whole fight over it since one of the main things he recalled being told about cats were they hated water - some even going far enough to believe that there were water demons trying to lure them in so they could eat them up.

So when Jimin came walking back into the room with damp hair and the oversized shirt he'd bought that day Yoongi was shook - and not just because of the sight.

"J-Jiminie you should put some proper clothes on. It's cold and I don't want you to catch a cold." Yoongi said cursing mentally for stuttering.

Jimin waddled, standing in front of Yoongi, replying "But I'm not colddddddd."

Yoongi had seen two sides of Jimin since meeting him (one more than the other) his mature side then his childlike side.

This was his child like side which Yoongi could only assume was to do with his cat like personality and maybe never growing up.

Yoongi looked around for a blanket or something but was hit with the harsh reality there was nothing.

Yoongi thought what was warm in the room and emitting heat to keep Jimin warm deciding he was the best option but he also didn't want to get drenched from Jimin's hair.

"Let's dry your hair then we'll see how cold you feel after." Yoongi said standing up Togo get the hair dryer and came back to Jimin sat on the floor in front of where Yoongi sat.

"This is noisy but will dry your hair fast." Yoongi said noticing Jimin's ears perk up which happened a lot but probably because he was curious this time.

Jimin nodded prepared for the sound but jumped by the shear volume of it.

Yoongi swore under his breath quickly turning it off and going to comfort the shaking boy.

"Are you okay?" Yoongi asked kneeling down next to him rubbing comforting circles on his back.

Jimin was still holding his ears down so couldn't hear Yoongi talking to him.

Jimin leant onto Yoongi shaking in his arms as he quietly whispered "It's scary."

Yoongi nodded knowing he'd be scared so gently held Jimin to him.

After Jimin stopped shaking and moved his hands from one of his ears Yoongi pulled away asking "You ready to try again now you know what's coming?"

Jimin looked reluctant but nodded anyways, at least he knew now what it sounded like.

He held onto Yoongi's leg tightly, panicking over it but wanting to be strong.

Yoongi turned the hairdryer back on then turned it to Jimin's head proceeding to dry his hair.

Jimin's grip got tighter but Yoongi didn't mind as long as his head was dry and he was warm.

After Yoongi turned the hairdryer off his started to brush Jimin's hair.

Jimin finally loosened his grip on Yoongi's leg but still held it.

"See it wasn't that bad was it?" Yoongi said softly but Jimin shook his head with a pout saying "That was horrible."

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