Part 19: Knowledge

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"What did you used to do in that house all day long?" Yoongi asked breaking the comfortable silence between the two.

Jimin looked at him confused for a moment as to why the sudden question before answering "Me and Tae just sat in that room all day talking, cleaning and sometimes eating. Same when Jin was with us but we'd dance too then but since he left we got in trouble for dancing."

Yoongi frowned at the new information but didn't know what he was expecting so asked "What did you do for fun then?"

Jimin thought for a moment before answering "Singing when we were good." With a bright smile.

The smile eased the aching of Yoongi's heart a little but he still wasn't happy that's how they were being treated.

Yoongi then proceeded to question "What did you used to do before that house?"

He instantly regretted it seeing a frown form on Jimin's lips, he was about to say it doesn't matter but before he could Jimin answered.

"I did what all hybrids do. I was a slave to a master. "

Jimin spoke in a cold tone with a distant look in his eyes which made Yoongi worry but not enough to make him relive it.

"I won't treat you like that. I'll treat you like a person. How you deserve to be treated. With equal love, respect and admiration." Yoongi then declared in hopes of making Jimin smile.

And it succeeded.

Jimin's smile was shy at first but grew into a giant one by the end, being filled to the brim with happiness just by a few words.

"Thank you hyung~" Jimin sang happily nuzzling his face into Yoongi's chest.

"I want you to live well Jiminie. I want you to experience everything good in the world and I'll do everything I can to make that happen."

Jimin smiled more than he though possible not able to see over his grin completely moved by Yoongi's words.

"Your a good person hyung." Jimin said getting a nod back from Yoongi who smiled and pet his hair.

They stayed quiet for a moment before Jimin quietly spoke up saying "I think I've already found my favourite thing to do..."

This caught Yoongi's interest immediately asking "And what's that?"

Jimin fiddled with his hands nervously until Yoongi took them into his larger free one then taking a breath before saying "Cuddling with Yoongi hyung."

Yoongi could literally feel his heart melt in that moment, nuzzling Jimin's hair and replying "That's my favourite thing to do too."

Jimin's eyes lit up as he basically climbed on top of Yoongi hugging him then saying "I could stay like this forever." Confidently making Yoongi chuckle.

"Me too Jiminie. Me too."

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