Part 30: Smoosh

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"Jimin?" Yoongi called out not sure where the younger ran off to earlier when they got home.

He didn't get a response so carried on walking around the house checking everywhere downstairs before going up - taking note of the missing pillows and blankets.

He checked his room first then the music room and it carried on like that until he finally got to the room Jimin was supposed to be staying in before plans changed.


Jimin was lay on the bed with a pile of pillows and blankets from everywhere in the house, curled up with them al around him and under him - with a few of Yoongi's shirts mixed in.

A light went on in Yoongi's head recalling what the internet said about hybrids who are about to go into heat and how they liked to nest with things they liked which Yoongi obviously knew was anything as fluffy as Jimin was - well almost as fluffy.

Jimin froze as Yoongi walked over to him, closing his eyes tightly thinking if he couldn't see Yoongi then Yoongi couldn't see him.

Yoongi sat down on the edge of the the bed making it dip a little then placing his hand on Jimin's side.

"Jiminie?" Yoongi said getting no response.

"Jiminieeeee?" Yoongi asked again this time getting up and getting ready to do what Jimin started to do to get his attention.

After no response again Yoongi raised his hands up over his head and flopped on top Jimin.

Jimin peaked one eye open to see what it was that was on him and burst out laughing when the question changed from what to who.

"Yoongi hyung?" Jimin said giggling.

"Why are you ignoring meeeeee?" Yoongi asked rolling over on Jimin.

Jimin giggled more and said "Because I wanted too." Sticking his tongue out when Yoongi threw his hand on his heart pretending to be hurt.

After coughing a few times from hitting himself to hard (yes because logic) Yoongi said "I don't think I can ever forgive you... unless..."

Jimin grew curious so repeated "Unless...?"

Yoongi sat up and said "Unless you kiss me."

Jimin's face lit up red and Yoongi could tell his own was trying too.

He didn't actually think he'd be able to say it but he did and he did so bluntly.

Jimin looked at Yoongi in disbelief but Yoongi just remained silent with a serious look on his face.

Jimin was about to ask if it was okay but before he could Yoongi said "Only if you want too."

Jimin's heart skipped a beat as he subconsciously bit his lip which in response made Yoongi lick his own.

Jimin climbed onto Yoongi's lap which by this point wasn't as big of a deal to him as it was before, and wrapped his arms around Yoongi's neck.

Yoongi placed his larger hands around Jimin's waist, not pulling him in but still moving with him.

Jimin moved closer until there was only a few centimetres between them which was when he thought he should confess he didn't know how to leading to him saying nothing not wanting to risk losing out on this rare opportunity.

He glanced up to meet Yoongi's eyes seeing the purr admiration in them before moving in.


No matter how many times Jimin sees a kiss his thought remains the same - the difference now being he was the one doing the kissing and lots of thoughts quickly began to run through his head.

Their lips fit perfectly together, Jimin's larger ones being plump and soft where as Yoongi's were thinner and more rough.

Jimin was quick to pull away completely shocked that he was able to do it.

He looked at Yoongi who himself was surprised the boy did it but was more surprised when the boy came back, not that he minded.

Jimin was truly curious now so went back in to test the ground more and to try and figure it out this time moving his lip a little as he kissed Yoongi, Yoongi responding doing the same.

This time Yoongi was the one too pull away though being too tempted by Jimin.

"Are you sure your okay with this?" Yoongi asked slightly lower than normal which Jimin found seductive as he nodded his head in response.

"Words kitten." Yoongi said getting a very quiet "I'm sure." From Jimin who's cheeks flared up red.

Yoongi nodded pulling Jimin closer to him before crashing their lips together, Yoongi taking the lead.

He wanted to be gentle but he also didn't want to hold back so decided it would be best for exploring Jimin's mouth to be a mission for the next time - not wanting to give in to temptation.

Jimin pulled away for air before looking up at Yoongi with innocent eyes that didn't match his sinful lips.

"Was that okay hyung?" Jimin asked cutely looking for approval trying to hide his blushing cheeks after pulling away properly.

Yoongi took his hands in his own bringing one to his lips, kissing the back, before whispering "You did great."

Jimin curled up in Yoongi's lap cuddling into him before dozing off in his hyungs arms.

Yoongi knew he should probably start getting ready for Jimin's heat.

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