Yoongi took Jimin to his room which he didn't show him before leaving him in the main part as he went into the walk in closet.Jimin looked around amazed at how different the room was in comparison to the rest of the house.
It was surprisingly fluffy with the rugs, throw pillow and blankets all of which were white.
It also had a lot of warm tones making it more cozy than the simple, clean looking house.
Jimin couldn't fight the urge to just stroke all the fluffy textures and Yoongi didn't stop him when he noticed, instead smiling at the cute expressions Jimin was making.
Jimin noticed Yoongi's reflection in the mirror so immediately stood up properly and turned to him.
"So you like fluffy stuff?" Yoongi asked once Jimin turned to him, not hiding the smile on his face.
Jimin nodded shyly looking to the floor expecting to be shouted at for touching stuff but instead was pleasantly surprised.
Yoongi went over to his bed picking up one of the blankets, piling it with the pyjamas then headed to Jimin's room.
He threw the clothes at Jimin when they got in there saying "Go get changed in the bathroom."
Jimin did as he was told as Yoongi laid out the fluffy blanket on the bed.
He then went over to the built in wardrobe and pulled out some more pillows for Jimin.
Jimin waddled back in and hid his giant smile behind his hands when he saw the blanket.
"Those pyjamas look good on you. I put another blanket on your bed because of how cold it gets and some extra pillows." Yoongi said heading over to the door.
"If you need me my rooms the one next to yours, and if you wake up before me then just come and wake me up. Goodnight Jiminie and enjoy the fluffy blanket."
Jimin nodded shouting "Thank you and G'night!" Before running and diving onto the bed.
Yoongi chuckled flipping off the light switch since the lamp was on and closed the door behind him.
Jimin snuggled up into the blankets and pillows before letting all his tiredness engulf him after such a crazy day.
--- --- --- --- ---
Jimin woke up panting and shaking after having a nightmare.
He looked around the dark room in hope of finding Taehyung before the events of the day before ran through his head.
Taehyung wasn't there.
Jimin started to panic as the dark consumed the room and he could feel tears creeping into his eyes, ready to escape.
He reached for the lamp he could vaguely Male out but ended up missing completely and fell forward on the floor making a large bang.
His leg got caught in the blanket and it felt like he was being held on to so he started to panic more not being able to see anything and being held back.
Any attempt at holding back his tears now failed and he could hear foot steps quickly coming making him even more scared since he was now to panicky to think rationally.
He just lay on the floor giving up, stuck, crying and helpless.
Yoongi quickly left his room after hearing the bang and as he got closer to Jimin's door he could hear small whimpers that turned to sobs making him speed up as fast as his sleepy body could.
He swung the door open without knocking due to the crying, flicking the switch on then going towards the crying boy who had a broken lamp next to him on the floor which must've fell when Jimin did.
Yoongi untangled Jimin's leg quickly amazed at how tangled it was then sat on the floor next to Jimin, easily pulling him up onto his lap.
Jimin complied holding onto Yoongi tightly crying his heart out as Yoongi held him gently, rubbing comforting circles on his back and whispering "It's okay..." Over and over until Jimin calmed down a little.
Jimin's cried turned into soft whimpers as Yoongi successfully calmed him down.
"What happened?" Yoongi softly asked, feeling Jimin cling onto his shirt tighter.
Jimin took a shaky breath before trying to speak saying "I h-h-had a n-nightmare."
Yoongi nodded in understanding, pulling Jimin closer to him and swaying him from side to side.
He then asked "Do you want to talk about it?" Knowing that sometimes it helps.
Jimin was hesitant before saying "I g-got really b-b-badly beaten b-by my o-old m-m-Master again i-in it for b-being bad."
Yoongi frowned forgetting about how hybrids were treated within society for a minute but wondered what Jimin must've done to get so badly hurt and scared in his dream.
"What did you do?" Yoongi asked feeling as Jimin's breath hitched.
Jimin then realised he broke the lamp making him panic more.
Yoongi began to panic himself so carried on swaying him more saying "It's okay you don't have to tell me." Trying his best to offer comfort.
Jimin felt like he had to tell Yoongi which made it worst considering what had just happened.
"I-I broke a c-cup." Jimin said tearing up again.
Yoongi frowned since it wasn't a reason to hurt anyone or scare them as badly as Jimin was then realising as he felt his shirt getting wetter again that he'd noticed the lamp he smashed.
He sighed feeling useless for not being able to help more effectively but carried on holding him and whispering gently in his ear.
"There was no reason for him to do that Jiminie and he'll never do it again. No one will. I promise." Yoongi said with the overwhelming urge to protect Jimin from the world as he clung to him helplessly.
"I-I'm so s-sorry hyung." Jimin said in response to breaking the lamp which Yoongi whispered "It's okay. As long as your not hurt it's okay."

Hybrid - Yoonmin
FanfictionIn which cat hybrid Jimin gets all the love from his new owner Yoongi who is just as curious about his new kitten as he is him. Does Yoongi even know anything about hybrids? --- --- --- --- --- --- [COMPLETED]