Part 27: Help

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"Help?" Jimin asked again causing Yoongi to chuckle saying "Yes Jiminie now how many times am I going to have to say it."

Jimin pressed his cheek into Yoongi's shoulder before quietly saying "I dunno."

Yoongi softly asked "What do you know?" To Which Jimin responded "That it's embarrassing and awkward. And that it's going to hurt and I don't want it."

Yoongi played with Jimin's ears causing the kitten to purr as he thought deeply for a while.

Both sat in the almost silent room, the only sound being Jimin's purrs, for a while until Yoongi got his phone out.

Jimin turned to see what Yoongi was doing and watched as he typed 'what to do when a hybrid is about to have his heat.'

Jimin's eyes widened quickly moving the phone down going bright red as he complained "It's embarrassing."

Yoongi shook his head and said "It's natural. Now lemme see." Holding his hand out for his phone.

Jimin shook his head holding the phone close to him like a child refusing to hand over its sweets.

"Jiminnn." Yoongi said in a slightly sterner tone to which Jimin still refused thus Yoongi using his work voice.

Jimin instantly handed the phone over and went to get up but Yoongi pulled him back down apologising saying sorry's and "You should've listened."

Jimin nodded slightly scared he'd get punished like his old master did before his 'rescue' but he also had faith in Yoongi who had picked up on the fear and kept apologising more.

"Sorry for taking your phone..." Jimin said knowing that he shouldn't have taken Yoongi's phone or refused to return it.

"Sorry for shouting, now let's look at this." Yoongi said flipping through his phone.

Jimin nodded reburying his face in Yoongi's neck.

"Okay so... buy stuff to prepare... Okay not reading them out loud but note taken... Okay okay... okay...." Yoongi said as he read.

Jimin couldn't help but tease Yoongi a little saying "Okay." Himself every so often which got him a squeeze from Yoongi.

Yoongi breathed out before stretching slightly and best hugging Jimin.

"So in short, you need to tell me what you want on the day and I'll do it. I'll do anything for you." Yoongi said realising himself just how whipped he was.

Jimin blushes deeply knowing what Yoongi meant so shyly said "Thank you." Unable to say anything else because his mind was running wild with thoughts.

Yoongi held Jimin as close to him as he could, kissing his head lightly which once again made Jimin's blush deepen more so than he thought possible.

"How about we watch a film order a take away and go to bed?" Yoongi asked getting a nod from Jimin then both proceeding with the rest of their night.

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