Switching Sides | D. Malfoy

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I'm still not over the fact that they cut this from the last movie smh

I hope you enjoy this part!

I tried my best to appear brave. Truthfully, I was scared out of my mind. Harry was dead. But I couldn't give in now. I was doing what was right. We were all doing what was right. The sight of Voldemort before us shook me to my core. This all felt like some terrible nightmare. Luna held my hand.

I scanned the crowd opposite us. My uncle was standing proudly with the other death eaters. He gave me a venomous glare. I swallowed before continuing. When I got to Draco he was already looking at me.

It broke my heart to see him this way. I knew that he didn't want to be doing any of this. I knew the real him. Draco wasn't evil. He was manipulated and forced to work for the dark lord. A part of me still had hope that he would switch sides and join us, but it seemed impossible now. My friend was too far gone. I just frowned at Draco before looking away.

"I'd like to say something."

My focus was centered back onto Neville. He was facing Voldemort with the sorting hat in his hands.

"It doesn't matter that Harry's gone." Seamus tried to get Neville to back down, but he didn't. He kept on. "He's still with us. In here." He listed those who had already died today. Each name broke my heart more and more. So many great people that had helped us all in so many ways. "Harry's heart did beat for us. For all of us!"

I watched as he pulled a sword out of the hat. Suddenly, Harry fell from Hagrid's arms onto the ground. It felt like everything was happening in slow motion. Harry stood up. He was alive!

"Potter!" Draco yelled. He was running across the courtyard. He gave Harry his wand before joining our mob. I stared at him in awe. He looked so afraid, but I swear I never loved him more in my life.


Everything sprung into action. Both sides began firing spells at each other. We all began running back into the castle. I glanced over my shoulder to see that Draco wasn't moving. He seemed frozen in fear.

"Draco! Come on!" He was snapped out of his trance and turned to face me. I grabbed his hand. I pulled him behind me towards the others. We got inside and I led us down the corridor. He stopped us at the base of the grand staircase.

"(Y/n), wait!" He took my other hand. "I'm so sorry. And I know sorry isn't enough. I need to explain everything."

"I know." Suddenly, his lips were pressed to mine. I let my eyes close. He let go of my hands, slipping his arms around my waist instead. I pulled away just enough to speak. "Draco, there is a war going on."

"A war that I helped start."

"Then let's go help end it." He pulled back to look at me. He regained his composure and nodded. I gave him another quick kiss before taking out my wand and running off. He was soon calling my name and catching up.

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