Holy | G. Weasley

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I heard the front door open. The sound pulled me out of George's bed. I hadn't been sleeping. I couldn't quiet my brain enough for that. I was just killing time waiting for him to come home. "George?" I called, jogging down the stairs.

"Where are the others?" I could hear Molly outside. When I was out of the burrow, I looked at who was there. George was nowhere in sight.

My mouth felt dry and my heart sank. I had a horrible feeling. Something must've gone wrong. He should've been back by now. I hoped it wasn't true, but I couldn't ignore that feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"They were on to us from the start, Molly. We didn't stand a chance." Hagrid's words only made everything worse. I hugged Harry, glad that he was safe at least. He gave me a look as if he was trying to make me feel better.

"Well, thank goodness you two are alright." Molly turned to face me. The worry on her features broke my heart. "Come, (y/n). They'll be back soon." She placed a gentle hand on my shoulder and led me back inside.

"Excuse me," I said. I went to the bathroom to splash some cool water on my face. I was sure Molly was right. My head was spinning slightly and I just needed to calm down. I drank some water from the sink. I was drying off when I heard a commotion downstairs.

"A grindylow!" Harry said. I hurried back to see what was happening. I watched people walking out. My eyes then drifted to Molly who was bent over someone the couch.

"(Y/n), dear." Molly's voice was broken. I knew then that it was George. I couldn't see him yet, but I knew.

"Oh, god," I cried. I rushed to her side. When I finally did see the damage, I felt sick. There was so much blood. I grabbed onto his weak hands. When I felt a gentle squeeze back, it seemed like I could breathe again. Molly was brushing back the hair that was matted to his forehead.

"I'm not dead, love," George whispered.

"Ya better not be." I let out a bittersweet laugh. I lifted his hand to kiss his bruised knuckles.

More people came inside. I looked over my shoulder to see Fred and Arthur. Fred rushed to my side and looked down at his twin. I placed my free hand on his arm.

"How ya feelin', Georgie?"


Fred just stared for a moment of confusion. "Come again?"

"Saint-like," George reiterated. "I'm holy. I'm hole-y, Fred. Get it?" He lifted a hand to point at where his ear used to be.


"Did you change those bandages?" I asked. I turned to face George.

"I did indeed." I stood up from the bed and walked over to him. "Are you sure they don't make me look looney?"

"Isn't looney what you're going for?"

He rolled his eyes at that. "Fair point." I giggled and placed a light kiss against his cheek.

"You don't look looney. You look handsome as always."

"I knew I'd still be better looking than Fred."

"How many times do you have to be reminded that you two look exactly the same?"

He gasped. "Are you saying you have the hots for my brother? How dare you! I thought our love was sacred!"

I slapped his arm playfully and turned away from him. "I was wrong. You are looney." I was going to keep walking out of the room but his long arms slipped around my waist, pulling me against his chest. I felt him kiss the top of my head. My eyelids fluttered closed.

For the last couple weeks, I'd been savoring everything we did together. Every kiss and hug was that much more important to me than it was before. I was so close to losing him. I was never going to let that happen.

"We really should get going," I insisted. "We have to join the rest of the wedding party."

"Fine." He spun me out of his arms, kissed me, and led the way downstairs.

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