Trust (pt.2) | H. Potter

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When we entered the room, Harry lifted the cloak from over us and closed the door. I walked all of the way in and propped myself up to sit on Professor Binns' desk. I was a little worried that he might be there, him being a ghost and all. But we seemed to be alone. Just Harry and I.

"So..." he sort of mumbled, walking across the room towards me. His hands were stuffed into the pockets of the hoodie he was wearing. "How have you been?"

"Alright," I said, plainly. He nodded. "What about you? How've you been handling all this triwizard stuff?"

"It's been hard." I nodded. He stopped at one of the desks in the front row and took a seat facing me. "Look, (y/n). I'm really sorry. For everything."

"I told you-"

"I know what you said. But you're wrong. You deserve an apology." I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks. My throat felt tight. I couldn't look at him anymore. "I have been really mean to you. I was too hurt and stupid to hear what you were trying to say."


"I know that you couldn't tell me. I know that Dumbledore made your family promise. I know everything. You tried to tell me and I wouldn't listen. And for that, I'm sorry."

I nodded. I was smiling but I still couldn't find the strength to lift my head.

"Did you mean it?"

"What do you mean?"

"Being my friend." I finally looked at him again. I couldn't believe what he was saying. Was that why he took so long to confront me? He was scared? "Everything you did and said. Did you mean all of that or was that just part of your parents job?"

"Harry..." I shook my head and laughed. "I meant everything. I didn't even know that you were you when we met that day at the park." He finally gained a small smile. "It had nothing to do with my parents or with Dumbledore. It was just you."

"That's good." He smiled wider before looking down at his hands.

I really studied him for the first time in a while. The lighting was a lot better in the classroom than in the hall. I hadn't seen him this close in quite some time. His hair had gotten so long. He looked exhausted and stressed. This year was becoming too much for him. These past few years had done a number on him. He was always getting into trouble. Always the talk of the school. I could finally see the weight that was on him.

But he couldn't see what had happened to me. He was too busy ignoring me and pretending that I didn't exist. And for a long time, it hurt. He needed to know that. I'd waited 2 years to talk to him and I had finally figured out what I needed to say.

"Y'know, that day on the train, I lost my best friend too. I don't know if you ever thought of that." He looked up at me again. He looked guilty.

"I'm sorry."

"My parents told me that they had considered raising me like you; Not knowing that I was a witch. They were going to wait until I started showing signs and it was almost time for me to go to Hogwarts. But they decided against it." He was watching me intently. I looked down at my hands. "Sometimes I wish that they had. Then I wouldn't have had to lie to you. We would've been the same."

"We can't change the past," Harry said, shrugging. "We can always think about the what if's, but what's happened, happened. We just need to move on."

I nodded, returning my eyes to his. "It's nice to have you back. At least for tonight."

"Hopefully it won't just be tonight." I felt a swell in my chest. "Would you want to start hanging out again?"

I nodded with a smile. "We have a lot of catching up to do."

"I'm sure we do."


We walked out of the classroom together with the cloak encompassing us again. Harry led us through the halls and downstairs towards the Slytherin common room. We stopped just outside the door.

"Thanks, Harry. Go and get some sleep. You have a big day tomorrow."

"I'll try." I stepped out of the cover of the invisibility cloak. It was so strange to see Harry disappear before my eyes. Although, I knew he was there. And he could still see me. I turned away to open the door. "Wait!"

I looked over my shoulder. Harry appeared again. "What's up?"

"Could you meet me before the task tomorrow night?"

"Meet you where?"

He thought for a moment. "The clock tower. At 6."

"I'll be there," I replied with a smile. "Goodnight, Harry."


I watched him disappear one last time before finally entering the common room.

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