Keeper | O. Wood

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"If we do what we just did in this practice in our match against Slytherin next week, it'll be an easy win. Seriously, great job today everyone. Same time tomorrow." Oliver clapped his hands together to finish off his captain chat with the team.

Everyone splintered off into conversations as they walked off the pitch. It was nearing dinner time and everyone was eager to change and get some food. I was about to go with everyone else when an unmistakable Scottish voice called my name. I turned to Oliver with a smile.

"Yes, Cap'n?"

He laughed at the nickname. "I just wanted to ask about that shoulder. You took that quaffle pretty hard." I remembered how the ball had slammed into me earlier. It had just about knocked me off of my broom but I kept my balance.

"It's just a bit sore. Nothing major. I was going a little too slow into that catch. I'll be more careful next time."

"I'm not worried about your speed, (y/n). You're one of the best chasers Gryffindor's had in years. You'll be great. Just take care of that shoulder and heal quick."

I couldn't help but blush at the compliments. I had been told before that I was good, but it felt so much better coming from Oliver; so much truer. But that was just because he was my captain and I respected his opinion. Right?

"Aye, aye." I gave a small salute before turning to leave. "I'll catch you at dinner."

"See ya then!"


"And it's another 10 points for Gryffindor! That delivery from (y/l/n) just sent them into the lead!"

My house cheered in the stands and I kept up a smile as I returned to the action. I crisscrossed between the Slytherin beaters. I made my way to the opposite side of the pitch. The ball was tossed toward our largest hoop, but Oliver swooped in and knocked it away.

"And yet another excellent defense from Wood!" I saw him give a proud smirk to the Slytherin chaser who had tried to score.


"You can't just sit here forever," a shrill voice said. Everything sounded so far away. It was like I was dreaming, but it was all just dark.

"I wanna be here when she wakes up," another voice insisted. It was male this time. I knew the voice but I couldn't connect it to anything.

"Fine," the first voice said. I could hear footsteps fading out. Everything felt like it was melting away.

My eyelids squeezed tight before opening slowly. The light coming in disorientated me even more. "What..." I asked, my voice rough. My throat felt so dry.

"(Y/n)!" Oliver said, relief in his words.

Oliver. That's who it was.

"Water?" was all I could say. He grabbed a cup of water from the table next to him and handed it to me. As I drank it, he scooted his seat closer to the bed.

"I'm glad you're alright."

"What happened? How long have I been out? Did we win? And why are you here?"

He laughed at my onslaught of questions. "Well, you got knocked out pretty bad by a rogue bludger. It's been just a couple of hours. Maybe 6? Yes, we won." He looked down at his hands nervously. "And I'm here because I want to be here. I wanted to make sure you were okay and that there would be someone here when you woke up."

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